MINUTES - Council - 19170604.I
F 0 R 1 9 1 7.
The fourteenth meeting of the Council for the yeSI.r WSI.S held in the
Council Room on MondSI.y evening June 4th.
All the members being present.
The MSI.yor in the chSI.ir.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reSI.d Sl.nd confirmed.
CommunicSI.tions were received and read from the folluwing persons
NSI.IDely:-Hydro F~ectric R3.ilw3.y Association of OntSI.rio.Josevh H3.rvey
re drilling Artesian Well. Mrs A J Milner re ~.ccident un George St.
Bills were received from the following persons Namely:-
Ferrallti Electrical Comp911Y (Meter) 21.70
Lewis Rheinhart (Burying Dog . 50, cle'lning snow 5. 00. 5. 50
Toronto & York R3.dial Ry. Co. (Power for April) 370.2 5
M L Andrews (Lumber) 5. 30
A Green (Hallging Baskets W W) 4. 00
Bell Telephone Co (ConversSI.tions) 1.65
JS~.IDes Morrison BrSI.ss Mfg Co (Pipes) 29.57
British AmerciSI.n Oil Comp911Y (Oil E L) 9. 00
D Cram ( ez: to Toronto for Engine repairs) 1. 40
H G Manninss ( TeSI.IDing R & E ) 25. 25
A Laugmall (postage 1. 00, ez:press • 35) 1. 35
Clerk (post'lge 2. oo, Ez:penses re returned Soldier .)3. ;~5) 5. 25
Charles Cook ( teruning R & B ) 20.50
eo11ncil .went· intp, committee of the whole on L Rhienharts
account for shovelling snow. Mr Knowles in the chair,
Committee rose 9lld reported that the bill be pSI.id.
Report adopted.
Moved by Mr H911cock seconded by Mr A.usman that the following 3.
9.Ccounts be paid and that the M9.yor issue orders on the Tre9.surer
for the SSI.IDe 9lld that the seal of the Corpor9.tion be att9.ched to
this resolution, N91nely :-
Ferr9.nti Electric9.1 Comp911y 21. 70, L Rheinhart 5. 50, Toronto & York
RSI.dial R9.ilw3.y Co 370. 2 5, M L Andrews 5. 30, Alex: Green 4. 00,
.~.~ .. ~~,.·.-
I ·~ _i
Fourteenth Meeting continued.
Bell Telephone Co 1. 65;. J3lllesMorrison Brass Mfg Co 29.57,
Britil;lh .~merci3ll Oil Company 9. 00, D Cr3lll 1. 40, H G M3lmings
25. 251 . A L3llgm3ll 1. 35 1 Clerk 5. 25, C Cook ItO. 50.
Moved by Mr Andrews. seconded by Mr Winter that the fence around
the Central Park be .. r,emov1ed. by the Town Workmen after the first
of July, 3lld that the old.mater:ial be sold to the highest bidder,
and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution.
Moved by Mr Knovrles seccmded oy Mr Taylor that the M3.yor be and
he is hereby it.Jstructed to sign an order in favor of the Electric
Account for the sum due by B Comp3llY 12th Battalion for Electric
Light at the Armories . And the seal. of the Corporation be attached
to this resolution.
Moved by Mr Ausman s.econded by Mr H3llcock that the Municipal
Council of the Town of Aurora instruct our Solicitor to.take any
or all steps ·necessary to collect all money due the Town of Aurora
from the Collie Cockrill M3llUfacturing Co Ltd now The Office . .
Bureau Ltd. 3lld The Positive Clutch 3lld Pulley Works Ltd.
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Ausm3ll th3.t the action of the
Mayor in issueing orders on the Treo.surer for the payment of the
following bills be 3lld the same is hereby confirmed 3lld that the
seo.l of the Corporo.tion be att::tched to this resolution.
Counci·l then adjourned
Apr 2e M Yakes 2. 00
May 12 J CoW3ll 6. 7 5
" 19 J D'l.niels 16.27
to meet o.t the call of the Mayor.
" " J Cowan 7.e7
" · 26 do 3. 37
" " J Daniels 2. 90 ~ #~.:,~,"'~
~-·---'.', .-X ~----~----=~---/
Jun 2 do 12. 37