MINUTES - Council - 19170507r- 'Ti'iELw:'TH MEETING OF T,HE COUNCIL FOR 1917 The twe~ft~ .• meeting of the Council for the ye:1r w:1s held in the Council Room on Mond:1y M:1y 7th. All the members being present. The M:1yor in the ch?..ir. Bills were received from the following persons Nainely :- Toronto &: York R:1dial Railway Co (freight) L Rheinh:1rt (cleaning market & posting bills) F Browning (labor & m 01.terial W W) Clerk(postage,express, freight & c?..rtage) W S Wilson (painting signs &: glazing) do (glazing W W) Bell Telephone Co (convers9.tions) M L t,udrews (coal W W) do (coal & lumber) Ferr:1nti Electric'.al Co (meter) J Fluery 1 s Suns ( 2 brS~ss rings for QUmps) Mueller Mf 1 g Co (pipe fittings Vl W) Auror9. H9.rdv101.re 2.23 2.25 9. 50 3. 7 5 20.22 l. 75 2. 70 2. 00 23.45 56.20 6.00 20. 9.4 7.23 Moved by Mr B9.ssett seconded by Mr AusmS\n th9.t the follov1ing 9.ccounts be p3.id 3Jld th'l.t the Mayor issue orders on the Tre'l.surer for the same 'l.lld th3.t the seal of the Corporation be att3.ched to this resolution, N3Jnely :-Toronto & York R01.dial Rol.ilV19.J Co 2. 2 3, L Rheinh '"rt 2. 25, F Browning 9. 50, Cler~ 3. 75, ·a S Wilson 22. ;)7, Bell Telephone Co 2. 70, M L Andre1;s 25. 45, Ferr01.nti Electric:·.al Co 56. eo, Gr'l.nd If Toy 12. 25, .J Fluery Is Sons 6. oo, Mueller Mf I g Co II 20. 94, Auror3. H:J.rdVIS\re Co 7. 23. Carried. Moved by Mr Hancock seconded by Mr ftx1drews th9.t the action of the llhyur in issueing orders on the Tre 01.surer for the rnyment of the following bills be 3Jld the same is hereby confirmed 9.nd that the se3.l of the Corpor9.tion be 3.tt3.ched to this resolution. '~ .. \/___..-· 'ii Twelfth meeting continued. April 22 Stevrart Allen (labor at W W) 7.60 II II .1 Clark (Lcbor R & B) 9. 10 May 5 do do 12,00 CEJ.rried. The ChEJ.irman o/ the RoEJ.d & Bridge Committee presented the follovring report. To the Mayor s.nd Council. Gentlemen:- Your committee on roEJ.ds EJ.nd bridges beg le"l.ve to reccomend the fol- lu11ing work be doue this year. 1st 240 feet 4 foot cemeut sidevr9.lk on the East side of ~hchell Ave • • from Wellington North. 2ud Four foot cement sidewEJ.lk on George Street,East side from Tyler Street to the North side of George VlilliJJns House. 3rd Cement sidewalk on North side of' Reuben Street from Yonge Street to Temper"l.nce Street. 4th Re-build cement ,<;idew9.lk ou the East side of Tempersnce Street from Reubeu Street to Kennedy Street. Vl J Knowles The report of the committee adopted. Ch ai rm EJ.n • The Committee appoiuted to arrange a. basis of a.greemeut with Mr W P Glilllispie presented their report. Mr W T Andrews presented a. report on the condition of 3. bridge ou Kennedy Street. Moved by Mr Kuowles seconded by Mr Ta.ylor tha.t the Mayor be a.nd he is hereby instructed to sign EJ.n order m1 the Treasurer for the sum of $1.57 in favour of Mf R Drewett for taxes wringf'ully collected from him in :lj916 a.nd the sea.l of the Corporation be atta.ched to this resolution; CEJ.rried. Council then a.djourned to meet at the ca.ll of the M3.yor. ~~ J~.~~~~~y ~---·-· ''' ''' ----''