MINUTES - Council - 19170412~ T EN T H MEETING 0 F THE C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 1 7. The tenth meeting of the Council for the ye'Jor \HS held ia the Council Room on Thursd?.y evening April 12th. The following members being present N3Jnely :-lvl3.yor B3.ldwin, Reeve Knowles, Councillors Ausm:u1, Bassett,Hs.ncock :u1d Winter, The Mayor in the ch?.ir. The minutes of the ls.st meeting re?.d 3Jld confirmed. Bills were received from the following persons N3Jnely~ Aurora Fire Depart~ent ( Annu'll Gr:u1t) A Butcher (carting W W) Northren Electric Co (wire etc) United Typevrri ter Co (pg,ss books etc) F J McN3.lly (Insur?.nce on Fire Appliances) do do ,, ,\hterworks) 150.00 1.15 134.14 5. 60 e.9o 12.50 Moved by Mr Bassett seconded oy Mr Hancock that the follovring accounts be p?.id :u1d th3.t the Mg,yor issue orders on the Tre?.surer for the s3Jile ?.nc, th?.t the ses.l of the Cprpor3.tion oe 3.tt'l.ched to this resolution, N3Jilely :-Auror3. Fire Dep3.rtment 150.00, A Butcher 1. 15, Northren Electric Co 134. 14, United Typewriter Co 5. 60, F J Me Ng,lly 21. 60. C3.rried. Moved By Mr B?.ssett second8d by Mr H3.t!Cock that the Mg,yor and, Reeve be and they are hereoy 3.ppointed 3. committee to go to the Town of Weston to interview the Council re their Sewer System, and the cost of the s3Jile :Uld that the seal of the Corpon.tion be Stttached to this resolution. Carried. Leave VI3.S ?.sked to introduce 3. By-l3.w to 3Jnend By-l3.w No 469. LeStve gr'l.nted :u1d By-law re3.d 3. first time. Moved by Mr B3.ssett seconded by Mr H3.ncock th3.t By-law nov1 be- fore the Council oe read 3. second 3Jld third time this day :u1d Rule 33 of By-l?.vr No 10 be suspended for tlHt purpose. C3.rried. '' '"''1 -c_) Tenth Meeting Continued. By-13.\~ re3.d a second time 3.lld Council went into comwi ttee of the whole Mr Knowles in the ch3.ir. Committee rose 3.lld reported By-l3.w. By-law read a third time 9.nd p3.ssed. ( Council then 3.djourned to meet at the c9.ll of the Mayor. ?I ~ ' "