MINUTES - Council - 19170423" "" ""'"~"" -..... ,~~-'·~---2-' ~: .... : .. ____ , ____ ._"""-'~'"""' .... ,,_""'""""""'"-""! E L E V E N T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 1 7. The eleventh meeting of the Council for the ye3.r W3.s held in the Council Room on Mond3.y April 23rd. The following members being present Namely:-M3.yor B3.ldwin, Reeve Kr101des, Councillors Andrews, Ausm'>n, B3.ssett, T3.ylor 31ld Winter. The M3.yor in the ch3.ir. The minutes of the previous meeting res.d 3Jld confirmed. Communic:ottions were received 3.nd re3.d from the following persons N3.Jnely :-The 33.lV3.tion Army re gr3.nt to their Soci3.l Operations Fund. Provincial Bo3.rd of He3.l th re emergency connection between creek 3-nd Suction well. Bills were received from the following persons N3.Jnely:- Toronto & York R3-di3.l R3.ilW3.Y Co (Pov;er for March) Northren Electric Co (Electric supplies) Rutledge & Dwis (rep3.iring ,g:"J.soline engine) Clerk (expenses deleg3.tion re sewer9.ge disposal) Stiver Bros (coal W W) A Butcher do M L Jl .. ndrews do ~- Ch3.rles Cook (wood W W) 3EO. 24 16,54 2. 50 25.E5 6, 75 2,25 4. 50 4, 50 Moved by Mr B3.ssett seconded oy Mr Andrews th3.t the follo11ing 3.CCounts be p3.id :otnd th3.t the lvhyor issue orders on the Tre3-surer for the s3.lne OJ.nd that the se'l.l of the Corporation be 3-ttached to this resolution N3.1uely:-Toronto & York R3.dial R3.il1BY Co 3EO. 24, Rutledge & D:wis 2, 50, Northren Electric Co 16. 54, Clerk 25. E 5, Stiver Bros 6. 75, A Butcher 2. 25,. C Cook ll·:fe M L Andrews 4. 50, C3-rried. Moved by Mr B3.ssett seconded by Mr Ausman th3.t the 3.Ction of' the /lhyor in issueing orders on the Treasurer for the p3.yment of' the following bills be 3.lld the s3.Jne is hereby confirmed 3.nd th3.t the seal of the Corpor3-tion be 3.ttached to this resolution. ~hr 24 J Cl3-rk (13-bor R & B) " :31 Stew3-rt Hlen (l3.bor E L) 3. 00 6.00 \ Eleventh meeting con.tinued • . April 14 Stew:otrt Allen (labor Vl Vl) 4. 60 " 21 J Chrk (labor R & B) 7.40 Carried. Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Taylor that the Mayor be and he is hereby in,structed to call a Public Meeting of the Ratepayers of the Town of Aurora to be held in the Mechanics Hall f'or Wednesday May 2nd at e P M for the purpose of hearing of sea::F;i;ug the report o:t' the Council on the Sew:otrge Schem for the Town of Aurora. C:otrried. Council then :otdjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor. Jf-.. ~~~ ill