MINUTES - Council - 19170306( I S E V E N. T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R l 9 l 7. The seventh meeting of the Cuuucil for the yeg,r wg,s held in the Council Room un TuesdJ.y evening ~brch 6th. The following members being present N 3Jnely :-Ma.yor Ba.ldwiu, Reeve Knowles, Councillors Andrews, .Ausmg,n, Bassett, H3Jlcock and Winter. The Mayor in the clBir. The minutes of the last meeting read and adopted. Mr R Reynolds T01m Trea,surer wa.s heard in reference to keeping the Watenwrks account seperate from the Town accounts and the purchOJ.se of the necessary bootes. Br G L .Alexomder V/3.8 heard in reference to proper drainage of the High School. Comrnunic3.tions were received 3.lld read frum the following persons N.3.mely :-The Ont3.rio Municipal .A.s.sociCJ.tion re Insurmce rates. Mr R W Phillips County Clerk re W3.r S3.ving Certificates. Bills were received from the following persuns N3Jnely :- Vim Ough & Son (stove, pipes etc) .A Butcher (co 3.l Town H3.ll) Bell Telephone Co (convers'l.tions) J Fleury's SotHl (rep3.iring pump & waste W W ) 2.3. 91 2. 25 1. 95 3. eo Charles Cook £te31ning R & B 6.eO, liood Town Hall 3. 50 )10,.30 do (wood W W) 3. 50 Moved by Mr H3JlCOCK seconded oy Mr Bassett th3.t the following e1.ccuunts be p'l.id 'l.lld th3.t the M:J.yor issu':l orders on the Tre'l.surer for the .s'l.Ine and that the se3.l o:e the Corpor3.tion be attached to this resolution. W Ough &l Son 23. 91, Jl. Butcher 2. 25, Bell Telephone Co l. 95, J Fleury's Sons 3.E5,C Cook 13.80. C3.rried. Moved by Mr B3.ssett seconded by Mr H:tncock that the Treg,surer be and he is hereoy 3.Uthorised 'ind instructed to keep the W3.ter accounts seper3.te from other g,ccounts 3Jld he is hereby 3.uthorised to purchCJ.se the. necessary books for keeping S3Jne SJ.nd the se'l.l oi' r I i ,, .. Seventh meeting continued. the Corpor3.tion be 3.tt3.ched to this resolution. C3.rried. Moved by Mr Hancock seconded by Mr Winter th3.t the chairm3.n of the Waterworks Committee be instructed to make 3.rrangements for the boring of 3. well 3.t the e3.rliest possiole moment. C3.rried. Moved by Mr Bassett secunded by Mr Winter th3.t the Mayor, Reeve and Councillors H3XICOCK 3XId B3.ssett be 3. committee to wort;: in conjunction with the Legislative Committee of the County Council., re the t3.king over the MetropoJ.itiuu Division in the City Limits. C3.rried. Moved by Mr Kncn1les seconded by Mr Winter that the Clerk be 3XId he is hereby instructed to prep3.re the notes for the settlement of the claim of the Town of Aurora. against the Office Bureau Comp3XIY limited, and have them signed by the S3.id Company 3XId de- posited in the Imperial B3XIk for collection. Carried. Moved by Mr Krlo\rles seconded by Mr Winter Be it resolved that the Municipal Cuuncil of this Corporation accept the offer of E A James To prepare a. pl3Xl of the Town of Aurora for the sum of $200.00 3XId he is hereby instructed to prepare such plan. Carried. Moved by Mr Krwwles seconded by Mr Bassett Where3.s notice h3.s come to this Council that the Corporation of the City of Toronto is asking the Legislature of the Province of ' Ontario for power to expropriate th3.t part of the Metropolition Division of the Toronto & York R3.di3.l R3.ilw3.y Co within the limits of the City of Toronto. And whereas the Municipal Council of this Corporation deem it un- vlise 3.nd ag3.inst the Welfare of this community for the Legisl3.ture of this Province to gr3.nt such request. Therefore be it resolved th3.t the Municip3.l Council of this Corp- oration protest most strongly against the p3.ssiug of a.uy Legisla.tiun Seventh meeting continued. by the Legislature of this Province, granting to the CorpurSLtion of the City of Toronto any right$ 9.llovling such Corporation to expropraite th3.t P9.rt of the Metropolition Division within the limits of the CorporSLtion of the City of Toronto, 'llld deem it un- wise SLnd 'l.g'l.inst the welfare of the whole commuui ty. It will be most detriment'l.l to the people of Auror'l. more pg,r- ticul9.rly in reference to freight. If the Metropolitiun Division were cut off 'l.t York Mills, it rne'lllS that one of the main channels of freight from part of the community to Toronto would be cut off entirely. C9.rried. Leave was, _aske_d .to. introdu.ce,, a .. Jly,7law to li_cense 3n,d_ ,r,egul'l.te the keeping and pper'l.ting for hire Pool, BagSLtelle 'llld Billard Tables. Leave granted and By-l'l.W read a first time. Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Andrevrs th'l.t the By-law now before the Council be re'l.d 9. second 'l!ld third time this d9.y s.nd ' that Rule 33 of lly-law No 10 be suspended for that purpose. C9.rried. By-law read a second time and Council went into committee of the whole Mr Knowles in the ch ::tir. Committee rose and reported By-law with blanks filled. By-l'l.W re3.d a third time snd passed. Council then 3.djourned to meet at the C3.ll of the Mayor. f"' /1 v I