MINUTES - Council - 19170108F I R s T M E E T I N G 0 F T S E C 0 U N C I L
F 0 R 1 9 ·1. 7.
The first meeting of the Council for the ye3.r 1917. 1ns held
in the Council room on Mond3.Y January 2th at 1l.o' clock itl the
The followin,:; memi:ler.s pre.sented. them.selve.s and. 3.fter sic;ning
the decl3.r:1tions 'of <:]l.iilific3.tion and office, tooK their se&t.s.
N 'l.mely :-
W. J. B 3.lclviin, l'!tayor.
VI. ,J. f'J"1ovrles, Reeve.
Vl. T. ,l'lnd.revls
John !·u.sm3Jl
IV.J. Gassett
A. E. HancocK
8. c. ~r;;.ylor
V·i. A. Winter
Hev G, 8, Des~J·:.J:.rd tenderinG his resign3.tiun :ts Higf1 Sehoul
Trustee 3..S he vn.s le&ving To 1m.
J.ll. N3.Ughton 3.p~>lying :for position of so:Licitor for the
Fooert Heynolds 3.pplying for position of Tovrn Tre3.surer.
N3.tiurHl Pa.nitCJ.t:ium ·'ssoc.iation asking for c1se of Town !13.11
i·,;·i:l .. rch (2g_st fur Lecture ill\l.strated \'1rith 1?-..utren slides.
1?irst weeting continued..
l\1lr.s B3.tes 3...s~·:-:int; for 3. refund of precent?t.ge on t·::txes.
Bills vrere rece~Lved fr<Jm the follov,ri.ng r)ersun.s Namely:-
_P,. E. M:;.,chell t.c::trting E. L. ) 5.00 \.
Clerk (pust'lge) 4. 5C
P~. L~ngm3Xl (trost~~ge Ji:.L. ) G. 1±6 '
Hunicirnl World (electiun su[;plies 5.0J
do (subscription i\Jr) J.OU
1ueters ) .
Electric.Lty :Bnspection Service (ius~>ectillc; 10. 35 ,
Ferr-:tnti TQectrici'll Cp (Jaeters) L:SJ. ::n
ToruiJto & YGrk R:v.::.i '11 Ry Co (freight) 4.57 \
~).c. rr·;:,ylljr (_~l·;~iutilli_S (~ decvr3.tins etc) ll. 5f~ lJ}:) 3.cct
F~mueJ. Geor:7;e (lumoer) 2-~.? 3
r ..• Yule (d.r:::tvtiug J.nG. re~;istering· C~eed.) :3.()()
Bell 'relepr10lle Co (:rent of phoues 12, 65, t35 )15. LO
The 3::-~uner I)res.s C_lrintiu;) 31. 7 5
~~.H. T~.ylu:r Cler': Jivisivn Cuurt 16.0{)
'Ji. H.lJhcilell i3·,.i1iff' Division Court 14. en
1.,.;luvted by L·1r H-3 .. 11Coclc seconded. i)y i':lr "33-s.sett th 3-t the fu~i.1v\rillg
::1ccounts oe pJ..i;:;~ 3.nd thxt; the M3..yor issue orders on the Tre?..i;urer
fo< tr1e .s'llne 'lJJd tln.t tbe .se3~ of' the Coq.u:r::.tion oe atta.ched. tv
this rer:;ulution, N:une:ly I-A. E. j·:t.:~.chelj_ b. 00, ClerK 4. :)0, 11.. LJllJ_;l1J3.U
;.:~. 46,i'unicl~·al Viorld l4. rJ9, Electricity Iu.s)ection f:lervice 10. 35,
To :ron to & Yor~c Rad.i -,_1 Railvn] Co '1. :5'1, 1'err mti Clect:riC'''l Co
159. 07, S. C. Taylor 11. 5e, S. George 22. 7 3, Bell Telephone Co 15. 10,
The Banner Press 31. 75. C3.:r:ried.
Moved oy Mr B'lssett seconded oy Mr ~nd:rews th 3-t the 3"ction of the
IVhyor in issueing o:rde:r.s on the Tre"J . .surer :t'o:r the p3.yment of the
following bills be and the S'Dne is hereby confirmed 'DJC: that the
se'll of' the 6o:rpo:r'ltiun oe att'tched to this resolution. Vi. H'l:rper 4 • 00 ~
Toronto & Yon: R'tdi'll Ry Co (p01rer fo:r Nov) 431. 46 .
Moved oy l.Jir J-bncGck secvuC:.ed by Llr f.usm'ln th'lt '" cvmmittee oe
funned consistin:~ o1 the Ji.01.yu:r, HeeYe Couucillors B3.ssett o.nd
1'' ~ ,.~,~,..~">,7'<.Y·"4'-'"'">~"""'~4"'""--="'';_._,. _ _,:. .. ~~-<":"''-'-'~-..,,.._,_.....,"""""""'"-="'"~"·.,.,.....""""~=-<-~".......,,.;.-<'.""""~~-·_,_~--•~_...;.;._.-.,,._._,..,-,,-•~~~~·-:-~-,.,----.~~,:...,.;,~"~=""-""~~u>•-"'-\:-:-"'''-~~-<-,-'·'":"=-;
Pirst rneeting continued. •
. 1\.usm-Ztn t-o try 1nd :lrr:3.nge 3. Bettlemeut if ;)ossible vrith the
Office Bure.OJ.;.t Co. COJ.rTied.
y,_l/oved by fl;1r :Knovrles second.ed by Mr -~~ndrevs thJ.t the resign.:=ttion
vf fir· J. ~;I. r\:.;illis Tovrn Tre;-~:;:.1rer Oe '.:t.nd. the 8-:J .. lile is llereoy 3..cce;_;ted..
Vie rec;ret very much h ::: .. ving to ~cce:)t t.h.e resi:~,n·:~;tion ut' I·Ar Y7illis
j o;'fins to ill belitll .'ls he h3.s 3.lvuy,s c;iven tlle best s.~tis:f3.ctiun
·-· \
to the Tum1 ~s Tre~surer, C~rried.
~!'•:'ioveC. oy Mr ~.(uuvrle.s seconded oy Mr T .1ylor th:0..t tL.e Clerk oe and
be is llereby iustr;Jcted to orC:.er ni11e copies of the liiJ;lt!iCi)nl World
f'or the use ui' tlle memoer-.s oi' the Tovm Council 3.nd the '£0vm ClerK.
Moved by Mr J:1"0,ncocl-;.: seconc~ed by J:-:1r t:;usw::t.n th?~t the .i'·fi'~yor, Heeve,
J.ll~ Councillor B:1sse-tt oe 'l.nd 3.re hereoy :1ppointed J. committee to
see 3.il J.Ccount'l.nt in reg3.rd to J.Uditing our J=3ooks.
!'<:loved oy [,.'Jr E:twvrles .seconded oy i\lr T ?-ylor tlnt tl1e resigtntion
of the Hev ;·,Ir De.sp::t.rd frolll the 'i _ _T. '~ ("\ . '! :.1.lgL~. t:.>Ci,~.U U.l. Do _3.re be 3..11 d the s ?Joe
is hereby accepted. CarrieC: .•
i'.J;oved by Hr Knov1le.s secoucted oy Nir Winter th'l.t the '\thyor, Reeve
:wcl Councillors Bassett 3.lld lLcncocL i)e 'l. culilmi ttee to .strike ti1e
P>t :1.ndinc; Cowllli ttees for th 13 pre sent ye3.r . Ca .. rried.
Le~,ve vns 3.sKed to introduce o, By-lavr to borrow money to meet
the current ex.,_)eilditure of the l,ilunicip'l.lity until the t3.xe.s 3.re
Le3.ve gr'l.nted "l.lld .By-law read :1 fix·.st time.
T.~oved by l:ir .fh.ssett .seconded oy Mr l:hncock that the By-l3.VI novr u::
oefore the Council be re3.d 3-second 3lld third time this d3.Y 'lnd
that Rule 3.3 oi' By-13.\Y No 10 be suspended for tint ,_mrpo.se.
By-LCL\1 reJ.d 3. second time 3.lld Council \'lent into committee of'
the whole on the B3.me Mr jhs.sett in the ch?.ir.
' Committee rose >.nd reported By-13.\V with bLml'.s filled •
.... ,:.;·-. -•;.-;.-;-_ 'c~--:::::,:;;-------·--.---·-·--
:G'irst meeting continued.
By-13-VT re3.d a third time etnd petssed.
Le'l.Ve wets asked tu introduce 3. By-L:w to appoint " High Sehoul
Le3.ve was gr3.nted and By-law read a first time.
l'.'loved oy Hr Bassett seconded by Mr Winter tlnt the By-l:l.W rww oef'
before the Council be reCJ.d a second etnd third. time this day :l.lld
thCJ.t Rule 33 of lly-l:l.w No 10 be· suspended fur that purpose.
By-law -re'3.d.:a _second . U-;~ &ld Council v1ent. into conmii t·i;ee(;of, . · ·, ,, -' -' ,-.
tile whole Mr .lndrews in the chair.
Committee rose 3.m:. reported By-l?.w vri th oLmi~ f'iL.ed v1i th the
name of Rev Mr Tuer.
By-l:l.v·r read a third time :md 1nssed.
Leave was 3-sli:ed tu introduce 3. By-law to apcooint " High School
•rrust.ee in pl::we of Rev N!r Desrnrd.
Lea.ve vras gr'llJted. :'l-nd By-13-W re3.d a first time.
'doveC!. oy Mr Bassett seconC!.ed oy k:r t·ndrevrs that the By-law noV!
oefore the Council rea.d " second etnd third time tLis d.3-y :3-lld that
Rule 33 of By-13-W No 10 i:le suspended for that purpose.
By-13-w re'l.d 3. secoud 'ti:ne 'l.nd Council went into committee of
whole Mr Knowles in the chair.
' Committee rose ?.nd reported. By-l'l.vv Vii th blank filled vri th the
name of [, J. !b.rtman.
By-l3.w reCJ.d a third time and. p'l.ssed..
\ '
Le:J.ve vn.,s 'l.Sked. tv introduce 'l. By-law to a;;>;:,oint 'l. Luc3.l Bo3.rd.
of Health for Aurura.
Leave ;~r3.nted and By-l'l.vr read 3. first time,
Moved iJY Mr Hcmcock seconded by Mr Andrews th':l.t the By-l':nr nuvr
before the Council oe reSt.d '3. secund ~tnc~ third tiflle this d.3..y :1nd.
that Rule ::J:3 of By-Ll.vr No 10 IJe sus,Jendecl for that uurpuse.
I __ __,__ ___ ,_ _ ____ ,_, __________ _____________)
I '
·.-.... "
I~irst 1a~e~ting cvntinued.
By-l·3,W re3.d "' second time 3-nd Counci:.L \lent into co;mnittee of ttJe
vihole }.Jir H?t.ncocl-i: in the ch?..ir .
Cornmi ttee rose 3-!ld reported By-13-VI with bl3-!Ji(S filled.
By-:.L3-v1 re:1C: 3-third. time :1nd. pelssed.
Council tdjourned to meet on Mond:1y evening JCJJJ 15th.
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