MINUTES - Council - 19170404i
N I N T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L
F 0 R 1 9.1 7.
The ninth meeting •Jf the Council for the ye"l.r · W9.S heJ.d in the
Council Room on Wedensd3.y evening April 4th.
The following members being present N'l.lnely:-!hyor B9.ldwin, Reeve
Knowles, Councillors Andrews, Ausm'l.ll, Bassett, Taylor 3.nd Winter.
The M3.yor in the chair.
The minutes of the l:tst meeting re9.d and adopted.
Comrnunic 3.tions 11ere received 'l.lld re9.d from the follo~ling persons
N:tmely :-Morris M Hedden f"or a manf"l.cturer of intern9.l combustion
engines re facilities for manifacturing in Aurora.
Ben H Spence re the next forward move in the temper'l.lJce reform • .
G E Hartly re new Artesi'l.lJ Well at the Waterworks.
W P Gillispie W:ts he3.rd in reference to enlarging their Factory
in Auror9..
Bills were received from the following persons Namely:-
Bell Telephorie Co (rent phone 12)
do ( do 65 & conversations)
do do 135)
M L Andrews (coal Town Hall)
·· do (coal W. w. )
do (lumoer E. L. )
F E York (supplies E.L. )
Munder Tungsten Lamp Co (la.Jnps)
D Cram (postage "l.ssessing)
A L'l.llgm'l.ll (express & car fare E. L. )
Clerk (postage & express)
M3.lone, M3.lone & Long {leg3.l expenses)
Toronto General Hospit9.l (care of B 'l.sil Hobday)
5. 00
4. 50
2. 50
l. 43
2. 15
Moved oy Mr B3.ssett ,seconded by Mr Andrews that the followiug
accounts be p3.id 3.nd that the lihyor issue orders on the TreEJ.surer
for the S"l.me 'l.lld thoct the se:cl 'of the Corpor3.tion be att:J.ched to
this resolution, Namely:-Bell Telephone Co 16. 65,. M L Andrews
15. 34,
' .
Ninth meeting continued.
F E York 2. 50, Munder Tungsten L3.lnp Co 31. 20, D Cn.m l. 43, A
Langm3.11 2. 15; Clerk 2. 95, Malone, Malone & Long 31. 10, To run to General
Hospital 25. ZO, C3.rried.
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Winter that the Mayor, Reeve,
and Councillors Bassett .a.nd .Andrevrs De 3. committee to meet with Mr
Gollispie to try and 3.rr'lnge a basis of an 3.greernent.
Moved by Me Knowles seconded by Mr Winter that the By-law com-
mi ttee be 3.nd they are hereby instructed to report a by-l3.1v at the
next meeting of this Council to goveren the speed of 1\utomo bdtles
in the Town of .~uror'l..
Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Taylor th'l.t the ref]_uest of Mr
D Cram for 'l.n incre'l.se of $3.00 per week· .. to his sal2ry be and the
same is hereby gr3.nted s2id incre3.se to commence April 1s,t 1917
and that the seal of the Corporation be att3.ched to this re.solution
and that the By-lavr be 3.Juended goverrling the s3.1ne.
Council then adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.
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