MINUTES - Council - 19170205·--"·
F 0 U R T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L
F 0 R 1 9 1 7.
The fourth meeting of the Council for the year was held in the
Council roum on Mond'l.Y evening Feo 5th.
The following members being present N'l.lllely :-~hyor B'l.lC.wiu, Council-
lors P.usman, Bassett, H'l.ncock, Taylor & Winter.
The Mayor in the ch'l.ir.
The Minutes of the la.st meeting re'l.d and ':idopted.
Communic'l.tions were received 'l.!ld read from the following persons
Namely :-C. L. Gulley re Electric Fire Whistle, L J Cl'l.rk re remitting
a portion of the taxes on the McNally Block on account of t!;ie Store
being V'l.cent for some time. Mr E P Lacelle Kas he'l.rC. in reference
to a lower license for the Pool Room. I M r Robert Smith applie'd•:·fo.r
a Pool ·License.
Bills were received from the follo1ring persons NaJnely :-
Vlm Ough & Son (h'l.rdware )
Northren Electric C\jl (wire)
J9.s Vlhimster & Co (boxes W W)
Stiver Bros (coal Town Hall)
L Rhienhart (care of Market & delivering bills)
Clerk (post'l.ge & express)
G T Johnston ( 'l.Udi ting)
Rev Wm Spencer do
3. eo
2. 25
3. 55
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Winter that· the following ac-
cuunts be p3.id and that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer
for the s'l.me 'l.nd that the seal of the Corporation be att'l.ched to
this resolution, N 'l.lllely :-Wm Ough & Sou 3. eO, Northren Electric Co
33. 26, J. Whimster & Co 1. 50, Stiver Bros 2. 25, L Rhienha:rt e. 75,
' Clerk 3. 551 G T Johnston 10. 00, Rev VIm Spencer 10. 00.
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Winter that the report of the
Auditors be and the same is hereby stccepted and the Clerk is hereby
instructed to h'l.Ve IDwe Hundred copies of S'l.me printed and the seal
.. ;,,-, --
Fourth meeting continued.
of the Corpon.tion be a.ttStched to this resolution.
Moved by Mr Hancock seconded by Mr Ausman It is hereby resolved
that the Council of this CorporSttion refuse to make to L J ClStrk
any refund of ttl.xes on the McN9.lly Block.
Leave was asked to introduce a By-law to appoint a Solicitor for
the year 1917.
Leave granted and By-law read a first ·time.
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Winter that the By-law now be
fore the Council be read 9. second ,~_anG. third time this day all d. that
Rule 33 of By-law No 10 be suspended for that purpose.
By -law rea.d 3. second time and Council went into comrni ttee of the
whole on the same Mr Hancock in the chair.
Committee rose and reported· By-law \dth blank :filled with the
name of John Henry Naughton.
By-law read a third time and passed.
Council then adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor. ~
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