MINUTES - Council - 19161016T vr E N T Y F 0 U H T H il E E T I N G 0 F T H E COUNCIL
F 0 R l 9 l 6.
The twenty fourth meeting of the Council for the ye:J.r vns held
in the Council Room on lvlowhy evening October 16th.
The follovring members being present N3Jnely :-M:J.yor Btiuwin, Heeve
Knovvles, Councillors P,udrews, B:J.ssett, Cruck:J.rt, H:J.ncocK a,nd Ross.
The i;lEqor in the ch:J.ir.
Bills were received from the following ;Jersons N:J.mely:-
Dominion Sevrer Pipe eo (se't~er pipe) 251. lliO
E. ,J. Rothwell (2 money i>ouches E. L. 3. 25
M. I,, .An dre1vs (lumoer) 45.26
!mrorg, l:hrdw:J.re CO 26. 47
Bell .Telephone Co (rent 2hone 12 W. VI. ) 5,00
do (rent & convers:J.tions phone 65) e. 42
Cleri' (l3.mps E. L. 9.45
Clerk ( t:J.x:es powder lot Whitchurch ) l. 57
H. E. Proctor (post C'trds for Vi. w. ) 10.00
Moved oy Ivlr lhssett seccmded by Mr H.:mcock th:J.t the !'olloVJing
accounts be p3.id 3.lld th:J.t the Mayor issue orders on the Trea.surer
fur the s:J.me :J.nd th3.t the seti of the Curpor"Ltion be 9-tt:J.ched to
this resolution Namely:-Dominion Sewer Pipe Co 251. 10, E. ;J. Rothwell
3. 25, M. L. P.ndrevrs 45. 26, Auror9. Ihrc:.v:g.re Co 26. 47, Bell Telephone Co
5.00, Bell Tele:,::>hune Co B.t12,ClerL 9.45,Clerk 1.57,H.E.Proctor :w.oo.
!•loved by Hr Cr•JC!:'l.rt seconc.ed o:; Mr .ihssett tint the section of the
ldayor in issueing urcers on the Tre:J.surer for the ::nyment of the
following bills oe 3.!Hl the s3Jne is hereoy c,:mtinned 'tnd that the
seal of the Corpor:J.tion oe :J.ttached to this resolution.
Oct 7 ,T. D3.niels (work on r·o 3.ds ) 10.00
11 11 W. Ihrper do 11.20
" 11 J.Hodgins do n.oo
11 11 J. Clark do n.oo
11 11 A. McT:J.ggart do 10. 00
'~-.. ---· ·~---...,.-•'c-<v.-.,.,.-_,
Twenty fourth meeting cont~rmed.
Oct 14 W.Harper ( ~rork on ro 'l.ds ) 7. 80
" " J.Hodgins do 6. eo
" " J. D:wiels do e.oo
" tt J. Clark do 7.00
" tt A. McTaggart do 9.00
·~·~-_/ tt " W. Sanford do 2. 60
Moved by Mr Knovrles secollded oy Mr B3.ssett that the ~1roperty
committee be au d. they are hereby itH3tructeC:. to vrovide Police
protection for the Town for Hollu1v' ene night Oct 3C!,st 1916.
Council then OJ.djuurned to meet OJ.t the cal.L of the M'l.yur.
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