MINUTES - Council - 19150826L'
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T W E N T Y S I X T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L
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The twenty sixth meeting of the Council was held in the Council
room on Thursday evening August 26th.
The following members being present namely:-Mayor Baldv1in
Reeve Knowles, Councillors Bassett, Crockart and Hulse.
The Mayor in the chair.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.
Communications were received and read from the following persons.
Mr Ch:c,rles ~hillips re locating a factory for the manifacture
of silk gloves and silk undervrare.
Mr. M. R. Sutton Toronto re leasing a factory for metal work~ng
to employ about 200 hands.
Berlin Board of Trade re fire losses in Canada.
Northren Electric Co. re shipment of striker for fire alarm.
Bills vrere received from the following persons namely:-
James Morrison & Co. pipes for Ross St. $:i93.13
fittings for ra1ing on Yonge 1.73
The Pedlar People Limited, culvert for Yonge St. 36.00
" " "
Grand Trunk Railway Co. rent of lot to June 30th. • 50
Arthur Eagen, dra\.·ing reel to two fires 2.00
Moved by Mr. Bassett seconded by Mr. Crockart that the
following accounts be paid and that the Mayor issue orders .
on the Treasurer for the same and the sec.. of the Corporation
be attached to this resolution, Namely:-
James Morrison & Co. 193.13 & 1. 73. The Pedlar People Limited
36. 00, ·Grand 'frunk Raihray Co •• 50cents, Arthur Eagen 2. 00.
Moved by Mr. 1'1assett seconded by Mr. Hulse that the action
of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment
-of the following bills be and the same is hereby confirmed and
and that the seal of the corporation be attached to this resolution.
Moved by Mr. Bassett seconded by Mr Knowles that upon receiving
a request from Mr. M. R. Sutton re the establishing a Factory
in Aurora. Therefore be it resolved that this Council take steps
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· Twenty sixth meeting coritinued.
to secure the same, and that Councillors Bassett, Crockart, and
Hulse be a Committee to interview Mr. Sutton and report to This
Council as soon as possible.
Council the adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor • .
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