MINUTES - Council - 19150702-"' ' T W E N T Y T H I R D M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L. ----------------E'-.Q_JL12J_~_:.: _______________________ _ The t~renty third meeting of the Council was held ill the . Council Room on Friday evening July 2nd. The foJ.lovring members being present namely :-Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles, Councillors Andrews, Bassett, Crockart, Hulse and Hancock. The Mayor in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Communications were r·eceived from:- M r J. B. Spurr appealing from the decision of the Court of Revision on unfinished house on Lepper St. From Mr. John McMahon giving the Town the choice of Block B. for Parkpurposes in pla_ce of parts of Blocks A. B. as first proposed. From The Toronto & York Radial Ry. re Power for Jan. il;914. Bills v1ere received from the following persons:- w. L. Banbury teaming $36. 50 Northren Electric Co.olue stone & battries 22.00 11 11 Electric supplies 23.85 Banner Press advertising By-law · 87. 85 S. C. Taylor repairing window Town Hall 1. 50 Albert Foster teaming 4. 50 Alex. Green wreath (S.H.L.) 10.00 S.George lumber 4.00 Bell Tel. Co. rent& conversations W. w. 5. 25 n 11 n 11 Town 7.60. Aurora Hardv;are supplies w. W. 9. 33 E.J.Rothwell supplies E.L. 2.45 Clerk expenses re delegation,ratchet~ postage 24.88 Reeve attending Childrens tid meeting 3. 00 C. H. fndrews vmrk svrimming shed 10.75 Moved by Mr. bassett Seconded by Mr. Hulse that the follov:ing Accounts be paid and that the Mayor issue orders on the Tres:.surer for the same and the seal of the Corpvratiun be attached tv this resolution Namely:- W. L. Banbury 36. 50, Northrer\ Electric Co. 22.00 & 23. 85, Banner press 87. 90, S.C. Taylor 1. 50, Albert Foster 4. 50, Alex. Green 10. oo, S. George 4. 00, Bell Tel. Co. 5. 25 & 7. 60, Aurora Hardware 9. 33 E. J. Rothwell 2. 45, Clerk 24. 88, Reeve 3. 00, c. H. J,ndrews 10. 7 5. Carried. Moved by Mr. Hancock Seconded by Mr. Andrews that the action of the Mayor in issueing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the follovring bills be and the a81ne is hereby confirmed and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resol'1clon • .... , .... ,. , . .,_-.. . ~ (.' ~ ,r--," \ J . '-- Tvrenty third meeting continued. R.VIilkinson W. J. Dunham Wm. Harper Jas Daniels wages II II II $3l.'l.O 9.00 14.60 9. 60 Carried. Moved by Mr. Crockr•rt Seconded by Mr. Hancock that the offer of Mr. John McMahon to donate 2" certain tr. ct uf li>.nd fur Park purposes North of Maple Street and East of Fleury Street be Accepted and that Said Park be named McMahon Pa~natj or; and that the Property Com-' mittee be instructed to acquire the same. Carried. Leave was asked to introduce a By-law to borrow money to mee1: 1:"~ current expenditure of the Municipality until the Taxes are paid. Leave granted and By-la\1 read a first time. Moved by Mr. Bassett seconded by Mr. Cruckart that the By-law now before the Cou·ncil be read a second and third time this day and that Rule 33 of By-law No 10 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. By-law read a second -~ime and the CoUl!Cil went into Committee of the ~rhole Mr Bassett in the chair. Committee rose and reported By-law with blanks filled. By-law read a "Ghird time and passed. Moved by Mr Hancock Seconded by Mr, Crockart that the Mayur be granted leave of absence; and the Reeve be appuinted Acting Mayor during his absence. Carried. Council then adjourned to meet at the call og the Mayor. ·-~~ 1 ;} Pjl~ aq_'h1ay~