MINUTES - Council - 19141207'-.._
T W E N T Y-F I R S T M E E T I N G 0 F . T H E C 0 U N C I L
F 0 RC 1914.
The Twenty-first meeting of the Town Council was held
on Monday Evening, December 7th. Members preseJ"t, Mayor Baldwilfl,
Reeve Knowles, Councillors Bassett, Coulter, Crockart, Hulse,
Murray and Sisman.
Communications were receivea :trom:-
The Hydro Electric Power Commission in passing of
by-law, re inspector.
Toronto and York Radial Railway, re Graphic recording
watt hour meter charts.
Mr, Reg. R. Matson, re use o1· electtii:c light poles o.n
Kennedy Street for telephone wires.
Mr. John Ferguson, re his dismissal as Principal of
the High School.
A Petition was ~eceived from Rev. H. H. Allen, B. A.
and twenty-three others as follows:-
"On hehal:t of several ratepayers and of members of the
Community, we respect:tully request that you, and the worthy
body of Council over which you preside, lG>ok into-the matter
01 the desmissal o:t Mr. John Ferguson, Principal of the High
School, and to that end would suggest that you requer.t the
attendance of Mr Ferguson and a representatiCJn of the High
School Board at your next meeting."
A petition from seventy-nine pupils of the Aurora High
School, asking that the Council takesteps to prevent a cb,ange
of Principals in the High School.
From the High School Board regard dismissal of
Mr Ferguson •
. The Following Accounts were received:-
Bell Telephone Co., conversations
Mayor, Assessor and Clerk selecting jurors
Mrs Ritchie, one month's salary, re keep
of E. King's 6hildren
$ 1.10
Tw.emty-First Meeting Cent' d
(Accounts received)
Toronto and York Radial Railway :rreight
Samuel Williamson, 55 loads of Gravel
George Holman, one day constable
Old Boy's Reunion
Mr Lawson, one day constable, July 11th
J. W. Holman, two days constable, July 3rd
Toronto and York Radial Railway Power for
September and Octoqer
B. F. Davis, one half day Oiling Street
B. F. Davis, 31700 Lbs Soft Coal
Hydro Electric Power Commission supplies
$ l.OU
andll 4.00
Moved by w. J, Sisman seconded by James Crockart that the
following accounts be paid and that the Mayor issue orders
on the Treasurer for the payment oi· the same, and that the
seal of the Corporation be attached to the resolution.
GEorge Holman
Mr Lawson
J, w. Holman
Bell Telephone Co.
s. w. Wil.J.iamson
Toronto and York Radial Railway
Mrs Ritchie
Mayor, Assessor Clerk
I 2.oo
Tenders for stone were seceived from a number of parties.
Moved by Mr Knowles, seconded by mr Coulter that
the following tenders for stone be, and they are hereby
$6.00 per toise Joseph Seagle 10 toise at
W. Bova ir 6 If If 6.00 If If
M. C. Johnston 4 If If 6.00 If If
E. Johnson 3 11 If 6.00 If If
F. Rathwell 10 If If 6.50 If If
'. ··~--:;.
Twenty-First Meeting Cent 'd
And that the Road and Bridge Committee be instructed to purchase
the balance of stone requared at the price not to exceed
$6.50 per toise, !JDd that the seal of the Corporati~n
be attached to this resolution.
Moved by w. J. Bassett, Seconded by James Crockart, that
C. A. Fetch be relieved from collecting Mr John McClenneys
dog tax, said dog having died.
Moved by James Crockart seconded by w. J, Coulter
that the Waterworks Committee be and are hereby instructed
to lay a six inch water main from rna in on .Tyler Street to
Collis Leather Co., said company to pay all costs incurred
and that the seal of the ;orporation be attached to this
resolution. CARRIED.
Moved by W. J, Bassett seconded by James Crockart
that the Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed
to have the proposed by-law to raise the sum of $8,000.00
and the by-law in connection with the same advertised in
the Aurora Banner, the first insertion to be December ~th
and to be published four weeks, and that the seal of the
Corporation be attached to this resolution,
Moved by W. J. Sisman seconded by A. Murray that the
request of the Petitioners action 1.n the interest of Mr Ferguson
regard1.ng his dismissal, be notified that the Council would
respectfully suggest that as they are of the opinion that
they have no jurisdiction over the rulings of the High School
Board, it would be advisable to take the matter before the
proper Authorities, capable of thoroughly investigating
and dealing with the matter to the mutual benefit of the parties
concerned. LOST.
L "....--·' ,.. •. ~·.Jfc' ·-·:.-: . -··
Twenty-first Meeting Cont'd
Moved in amendment by w. J. Basset~ seconded by
T. H. Hulse, that the request o:f the petitioners asking
the Council to hear their complaints re the dismissal of
Mr John Ferguson, Principal of the Aurora High School
be gra.nted, and that the High School Boal·d be asked to
attend on TuesC!ay Evening, the 8th, at eight P. M. in the
Council Chamber and that the Clerk be instructed to notify
the petitioners and the chairman of the High School Board.
Council adjourned to meet ~n Tuesday Evening December
the eighth. ··~·····~2~-c.~
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