MINUTES - Council - 19130805(
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3 I X T E E E T H MElllfllliG 0 F THE C 0 U E C I L
F 0 R 1 9 1 3.
The sixteenth meeting of .the Co~cil for 1913 was held on
Tueeday evening August 5th, 1913 the fellewing members bei:ag present
Mayor Baldwin, Reeve K:aewles and Councillors 11lldrews, Bassett,
Browning, Creckart, Hulse and Sisman. The Mayor in the Chair.
Minutes llf last meeting read and cenfirmed.
Communications were rec~ived and read from;-
The Clerk giving the results of the voting en the electric
Power Bylaw and the money bylaw for electric pumps as fellows
Electric Plant Bylaw.
North Ward, for the bylaw, 89 against the bylaw 4
Centre Ward de 99, do 2
South Ward do 101 d9 12
289 l8
Majority f0r the bylaw 271
Electric Plll!lp bylaw
North Ward, for the bylaw 87, against the bylaw 4
Ce.ntre Ward do 98 de 1
do ___;1;<;0~1;:..--_
South Ward, 10
Majority for the Bylaw 270.
C, W. Poucher, asking for a license for the PoGl Room, he having
purchased the pool tables.
Rev R. W. Woodsworth, asking the Cou:acil to construct a cement
sidewalk, west &n Kennedy street, furnish him with tewn water
for the new house he is constructing on Kennedy street, alse
put a street light en that street at the top of the hill.
A~etyline Gass CG claiming cGmpensation from the town f0r tak>ing
GVer the electric light.
d J?lf'i\i tions were rpJived .from the residents of Yonge Street
o ft av<-t:l~~ east
seutli, and Uosley street lDOit from Wells street to Becerzy Street
asking to have these portions of street oiled same as ether portions
of Yonge and Mealey streets.
Sixteenth Meeting Centinued
A petition was received from w. T. Andrews and 13 ethers asking
to have a 6 inch ~ile drain laid en the East side 0f Y;nge street
from a point on the south side of Samule Rebsons preperty nerth
te the waterworks creek/
Bills were received frem
S. R. Hart& Ce, blanks for vote on bylaws
Stiver Brts, fer coal for Pet.ch
Pesitive Clutch & Pulley Werks repairs en mixer 6.00
Wettlaufer Bros, repairs en mixer
The Clerk, election expenses
Thor Iron WG>rks, Sterage tank
Moved by Mr Bassett secended by Mr Sisma,n that the follewing
bills be paid that the r,Iayl!lr issue orders l!llil the treasurer fer the
same and that the seal 11f the Cerperatien be attached te this
s. R. Rart & Co
Stiver Bres
Pesitive Clutch & Pulley Werks
Wettlaufer Bros
The Clerk
Thor Iron "iorks
Ideved by Mr BreWliling Secended by Mr KE.ewles that the Clerk be
and he is hereby autho,rized and instructed to issue t11 Mr C. W.
Poucher a poel riH>m license in acclllrdance with the bylaw governililg
the samen and that the seal of the Cerporation be attached te this
Meved by Mr Knowles secGnded b;r Mr Hulse that the read and Bridg ·
Cemmittee be and they are hereby autherized to te aenstruct a new
four foot cement sidewalk en the west side of Yenge Street from
Mr Bretts north to Irwin Avenue and on the East side of Yonge St
from the Creamery netth to Catharine Avenue and that the seal. of
the Cerperation be attached to this reselutien
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' 1.
Sixteenth Meeting Continued
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Sisman that the Clerk be
and he is hereby instructed to bring in a bylaw at the next meet
ing of this Council to amend the bylaw governing oiling streets
extending' the limits south to Ransom street on Yonge street and
east te Berczy street on Mesley street.
Moved by Mr Knowles secended by :l.lr Hulse that the Water w0rks
Committee be and they are hereby instruoted to advertise f0r tenders
fer Electric Pumps for the town of Aurora.
Moved by l\1r All.drews seconded by Mr Browning that the pnperty
law and order Cemmittee be and they are hereby empowered to employ
a regular uniformed Pdiceman or Constable wh11se duty it will be
to patrol the streets from five •'clock in the evening until one
or two e'clGck in the morning as well as to be lecated where he
can be called at short notice at any time.
!.loved by Hr Knowles seconded by r.:r Andrews that the Electric
Light Cemittee be and they are hereby instructed to enter into
an agreement with the TorontG and York Radial Railway C11mpany for
the installation of the 'rnectric Light System in the T0wn 111f
Aurora and to have an Agreement prepared with the T&rlilnto and
Ylilrk Radial Railway governing the same and when the Agreement is
found satisfactory to the Committee and the Solicitor fer the
town and so reported to the Mayor as such the Mayor and Clerk
be and they are hereby authorized to sign the same en behalf ef
this Town and affix the Cerperate seal thereh and that the seal
ef the Cerperation be attached to this reselution.
Meved by Mr Knowles seconded by ]ur Hulse that the bylaw auth0rizing
the rasing and expending of $16.000 fer the purpose of paying fer
the electrical equipment purohased fr0m Mr Birchard and alse for
the purchase ef all the neoessary electrical machinery and the
installat.ian of the same for the destributi&n of pewer to be