MINUTES - Council - 19140914.... Jf!f e-f - S E V E N T E E N T H MEETING 0 F THE COUNCIL F 0 R 1 9 1 4. The seventeenth meeting of the Town Council was held on Thursday Evening September 14th/ in the Council Room the .following members being :rresent, Namely Mayor Baldwin Reeve Knowles and Couneillotrs Bassett Croekart; Coulter, Murray and Sisman • Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. A petition was received and read from Rev. W. Woodsworth and Mr Ross asking to have a cement sidewalk laid on the north side of Kenne.dy street 488feet long. Accounts were received and read from W. L. Banbury, carting for waterworks W. L. Banbury, cement for sidewalks. Wm Kennedy, gravel for side~alk Alex McLeod, scraping street B. F. Davis, soft coal for waterworks B. F. Davis, oiling streets Gartshore4ThompsonPipe Co water pipes John Mckenzie 18 poles , Culls at $ 1.00 each J. FLEURys Sons, sundries Thomas Carbery, gravelfor sidewalk Toronto and York Radial Railway, labor at pumping $1.25 550.40 49.50 2.70 22.55 9.00 675.57 18.00 1.20 40.60 house for August 32.90 Toronto and York Radial Railway,colleetion onorder 4.55 Moved by lvlr Sisman seconded by Mr Murray that the f1illlowiJg accounts be paid that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. N~mely. w. L. Banbury $1.50 w. L. Banbury 550.40 Wm Kennedy 49.60 Alex McLeod 2.70 B. F. Davis 22.55 B. F. Davis 9.00 Seventeenth Meeting Continued. Gartshore-Thompson Pipe Company J. Fleury's Sons John McKenzie, Thomas Carbery Toronto and York Radial Railway Carried. 675.~7 1.20 !!lB. 00 40. €>0:. 32.90 Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by 1•lr Coulter that the J<;lectric Ligt Committee be and they are hereby instructed to have two la.m:ps on Tyley Street west of George Street as soon as possible and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution Carried Moved by rir Sisman Seconded by Mr·Murrray that the Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to write the Contractor for the new J;'ost Office requesting him not to divert the Town Sewer which runs .under the new building or interfere with it believing the change·wouldbe Detrimental. and that the seal of the Corporation be attache\). to this resolution Ca.rried. Moved by Mr Crockart seconded by Mr Coulter that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to sign an agreement with the Bank of Montreal to the effect that the .Local Improvement Debentures covering the amount expended in Local Improvement by the Town will deposited with the said Bank as coll teral security for the money advanced· by .-. .-. the said Bank on Local Improvement account and that the seal of the Corporation be attached. to this Resolution. Carried. Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Coulter that the Mayor and Councillors Bassett, Murray and Sisman be a committee to arraign for a Public meeting for the Patriotic Fund? Carried. Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Crockart that the ].IJ:ayor Clerk and councillor Sisman be a Committee to write a letter of Dr Condolance to c•:rs Rutherford and family in their sad bereavement/ Carried. Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Coulter that the bylay for the government of the Aurora Electric Light and Power Bystem be now ~ / Se'venteenth Meeting of the Council Conti~ued read a second and third time. Bylaw read a second time and Council went into committee of the whole on the same :Mr Sisman in the chair Committee rose and reported bylaw with blanks filled Bylaw read a third time and passed Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor » cf/2 f / -.-. '' ·~·'"'-;"··''-';-. '