MINUTES - Council - 19130709(.·
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The fifteenth meeting of the ~ouncil was held on Wednesday evening
July 9th, 1913, the following members being present;-Viz Mayor
Baldwin, Reeve Knowles and Councillors Andrews Bassett, Browning
Crockart, Hulse and Sisman. The Mayor in the Chair.
Mi~utes of last meeting read and confirmed.
Bills were received and read from
Bell Telephone Co. Rent and conversatiGlns $12.65
A. A Conover, knee pad
Aurora Hardware Co, hardware
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Sisman that the following
accounts be paid that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for·
;he same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this
Bell Telephone Company
A. A. Conover
The Aurora Hardware Co
Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Andrews that the Road and Bridge
Committee be and they are hereby instructed to build a new four foot
cement sidewalk on Temperance street fro,m Tyler Street north to J.
Fleury's Sons drive way and that the seal of the Corporation be
.attached to this resolution.
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Browning that the Water works
committee be and they are hereby authorized to to lay a 4 inch
water main on Medcalf street from Victoria to Wells street and a
2 1/2 inch main frGlm larmont to Berczy street on Medcalf street to
connect with the 4 inch main on said street.
Leave was asked to introduce a bylaw to authoriz*xg the rasing
and expending of $16.000 for the purpose of paying for the electric
equipment bought from w. H. Birchard and also for the purchase of all
the necessary electric machinery and the instalation of the same for
Fifteenth Meeting Continued.
for the destrtbution of the power to be supplied by the Toronto and
York Radial Railway Company, also to introduce a bylaw to raise
money for the purchase of Electrical pumps and other necessa7,1
improvements in connection with the Au:rora Waterworks.
Leave granted and bylaw read a first time.
!<loved by Mr Knowles seconded by Iclr llulse that rule 33 of Bylaw l~o
10 be suspended and that the bylaws now before the Council be read
a second time this day and that the seal of the Corporation be attached
to this resolution
Bylaw read a second time and Council went .into committee of the whole
on the same lllr Bassett in the chair.
Committee rose and reported bylaw with blanks filled.
Moved by Mr Browning seconded by Mr Crockart that the Clerk be and
he is hereby authorized to have the bylaws to raise $16.000 for
electrical purposes and the. bylaw to raise $5,000 for electric pumps
and other necessary improvements at the waterworks published in the
Aurora Banner four tim.es the first publication to be on July 11th.
Council adjourned to meet at the call of the !llayor.
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