MINUTES - Council - 19130506I l . ,_-. .._ I \ l ''- I I I I I I • I I TENTH M :E E T I N G 0 F THE TOWN COUNIL F 0 R 1 9 1 3. The tenth meeting of the Town Council was held on Tuesday Evening l~ay 6th, the following members being present;-Viz Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles and Councillors Andrews, Bassett Browning, Crockart, Hulse and Sisman. :Minutes of the last two meetings read and confirmed. A deputation of business men were heard re the oiling of the streets instead of sprinkling them with water. Mr Alexander and Mr A. A. Conover were heard regarding water services and the opening of George Street to the South to Kennedy street and Wellington street to the North. Mr M. Shulman was heard re the building of Verandahs in front of the houees in the terrice on Yonge street north and was informed it was beyond the power of the Council to grant him his request. Communications were received and read from the following/- F. w. Thorold Company, Limitei re specifications for all classes of Municipal work. Lennox & Lennox, re claim of one Carman, for alleged inju riee sustained from a defective sidewalk in 1911. w. Percy Gillispie Company, asking the Council to extend Temperance street south of Kennedy street. l'he ?Positive Clutch and Pulley Works re delay in getting electric power. W. Percy Gillispie ~ompany re grading Edward street. Judge Morgan enclosing cirtificate re Local Option • Eric Armour asking jfl.lr cheque of $50.00/ amount of costs allowed by Judge I~organ in the Local Option suit, also a cheqe for $54.00 amount allowed by Judge Morgan in local Option suit for stenographers fees. Petitions were received from;- A. B. Pipher and two others asking the Council to lay a cement sidewalk on the south side of Reuben street from Temperance west to C. A. Willis property. -2- Tenth Meeting of th!!! Council Continued. From T. ll. Lennox and 26 others asking the Council to oonst ruct a cement sidewalk on the south side of J\letoalf street. Bills were received and read from the following persons;- Bell Telephone Company, rent and conversations Toronto & York Radial Ry, Freight George Davis , delivering oar of coal Bert Llpyd carting and work in March and April Jock Willis, supplies for battery F. J, McNally, insurance Eric Armour, law costs re _I.ocal Option $11.50 2.62 16.00 86.20 4.97 8.90 50.00 A. G. Newall/ stenographers fees re Local Option 54.00 f! T )---~ g', I·~- Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Sisman that the following bills be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the se.me and that the sael of the Corporation be attached to this resolution Bell Telephone Company $11.50 Toronto and York Radial railway 2.62 Gelbrge Davis 16. oo· Bert Lloyd 86.20 B. F. Davis 8.15 Jook Willis 4.97 F. J. :!iloNally 8.90 Erio Atmour 50.00 A. G. Newell 54.00 Carried. The Clerk laid the Auditors report of the Munioipal .and Sohool acoounts on the table for 1912. A Communication was reoeived from C. A. Petch asking an increase in salary as engineer. ·Moved by J\lr Bassett seconded by Mr Crockart taht the Water works committee be and they are hereby authorized and ihstructed .. to purohase a tank oar of road oil for the streets of Aurora as set out by bylaw and that they do so at onoe. Carried -3- Tenth Meeting Continued Moved by fuir Bassett seconded by Mr Fred Browning that the Jltayor, Reeve and Councillors Andrews and Hulse be a committee to look into the !!latter of of opening up George Street north and south. Carried. ~~loved by Mr Knowles secondecl by Mr Andrews that the resolution passed by this Council in 1911, instruoting the Clerk to collect the Pool room license monthly be and the same is hereby repealed and rescinded. Carried. llfuved by Mr Bassett seconded by !l'lr Sisman tfl.ht the Byla\'1 Con mittee be and they are hereby authorized ana instructed to bring in bylaws at the next meeting of this Council re increase of salaries 6f C. A. Petch and Fisher Dunham. Carrried. Movelil: by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Sisman that the report of the Auditors of the 1rtunicipal and School accounts for 1912 be accepted and finally passed that the Mayor and Clerb be and they are hereby authorized to sign the same and attach the seal of the Corporation thereto and that the Cler.J;J.n~e is hereby ins tructed to have two hundred copies of of the repart printed in pamphlet form DB!'!~ and advertised according to law. Carried. A oommunication was received from the firm of Collie Cockeril Company iJ!!XlttiEx:dx as1ting the Council to attend a formal opening of their factory on ~aturdet. Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by !llr Hulse that the invitation of the Collie Cockerill Companys ..imv:t batioo to ajltent their formal opening on Saturday afternoon be accepted and that the council attend in a body. Carried • .. 4 - Tenth ~eeting Continued The Road and Bridge Committee reported recommending work to be done on certain streets. Council went into committee of the whole on the report and on rising recommended the adoption of the report without amend ment. :liioved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Andrews that the rel>Ort of the Road and Brige Committee be received and adopted and that the Committee be and they are hereby instructed to have the work done as soon as possible Carried. Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.