MINUTES - Council - 19130419N I N T H UEETING 0 G THE C 0 U N C I 1
F 0 R 1 9 1 3.
The ninth meeting of the. Council was held on Saturday evening
.April 19th, the following Members being present;-Viz Mayor
Baldwin, Reeve Knowles a.nd Councillors Browning, Basset, .Andrews,
Crockert, and Hulse.
The :Mayor in the Chair
Mr Chas Wilson of the Toronto and York Radial Railway was
heardregarding the Agreement between the Town and the York Radial
Railway for ~BWBr electric power.
Moved by Mr Crockart seconded by I!ir Knowles that the 1\!iayor
and Clerk be and they are hereby di~ected and authorized to sign
the Agreement between the Toronto and York Radial Railway and the
Town of Aurora to su~ply Electric Power to this Corporation on
behalf of said Corporation and to affix the seal of the Corporation
Council then adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.