MINUTES - Council - 19130419N I N T H UEETING 0 G THE C 0 U N C I 1 F 0 R 1 9 1 3. The ninth meeting of the. Council was held on Saturday evening .April 19th, the following Members being present;-Viz Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles a.nd Councillors Browning, Basset, .Andrews, Crockert, and Hulse. The :Mayor in the Chair Mr Chas Wilson of the Toronto and York Radial Railway was heardregarding the Agreement between the Town and the York Radial Railway for ~BWBr electric power. Moved by Mr Crockart seconded by I!ir Knowles that the 1\!iayor and Clerk be and they are hereby di~ected and authorized to sign the Agreement between the Toronto and York Radial Railway and the Town of Aurora to su~ply Electric Power to this Corporation on behalf of said Corporation and to affix the seal of the Corporation thereto. Carried. Council then adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.