MINUTES - Council - 191301131r
1 9 1 3.
\ ' The first meeting of the Coun11il was held in the Council Room on
Monday January 13th, 1913, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon?
The following members presented th$mselves and signed the nece
ssary declarations of Office and took their seats;~ Namely.
W. J. Baldwin, Mayor
'W. :a. Knowles, Reeve.
W? J. Bassett,
Fred Browning
w. T. Andrews
James Crockart.
T. H. M. Hulse.
W. J. Sisman.
The Clerk introduced the Council and business was proceeded with.
The Clerk read a communication from the Collis Leather Company re
their bonus of $10.000.
The Clerk reported that he had held as directed ami an election and !
taken a vote of the qualified electors on the Local Option Bylaw
on January 6th with the following results in the three wards of the
Municipality;-as reported by the Deputy returning Officers.
North Ward,
Centre Ward,
South Ward,
for the Bylaw 115, against the bylaw 76,
do 94,.
dO 113,
In order to carry the bylaw three fifths of the total v;.ote
was required which would be 321, or the vote polled as reported
was one vote more than the required three fifths.
The Clerk reported that he had been served with an order from
Judge Morgan ordering him to produce the ballots for inspection by
A. V. Snowden, or his solicitor on Monday evening January 13th, at
5 Oolock in the afternoon., also to appear before Judge Morgan in his
in Toronto
chambers on Tuesday January 14th t 2 • 1 k f f a o o oo or ixing a time and
. _/___
First &eeting Continued
place for holding a recount of the ballots and a scrutiny.
Accounts were received from;-
The Clerk, election expenses
The Banner Press, prin~ing and advertising
The Municipal World, election supplies
l\1oved by Mr Browning seconded by :Mr Crockart that the following
bills be paid that the }i!ayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the
same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto;-
The Clerk/ election expenses
The-Banner Press, printing and advertising
The n~unicipal World, ·Election supplies
6 .so
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Browning that the Clerk be and
he is hereby authorized and instructed to employ Thomas Urquhart, K.C.
as counsil for this corporation in the defence of the Local Option
Bylaw and that he be instr~cted to take what ever course he may think
best in the defence of the said Bylaw and that the seal of the Corpor
ation be attached to this resolution.
Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Hulse that the following be a
committee to strike the standing committees for the current year;-
Mayor Baldwin/ Reeve Knowles and C~uncillors Bassett and Browning;
Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Andrews that the following
be a committee to deal with the Collis Leather Company Viz May9r
Baldwin, and Councillors Bassett Sisman, Browning and Crockart.
Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Hulse that the Clerk be and he
is hereby instructed to advertise in the Aurora Banner and by poster
for one hundred and fifty loads of gravel to be delivered on the
streets as directed by 1!r Dunham, tenders to be in the Clerks hands
by Monday January 20th.
I I·
First Meeting Continued.
Leave was asked to introduce bylaws tom appoint Auditors to Audit
the Municipal and School accounts for 1912, to appoint A Righ Schoool
Trustee for 1913, 1914 and 1915, A member of the Local Board of Health
and to borrow money to meet the current expenditure of the Municipality
until the taxes are paid.
Bylaws read a first time.
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Sisman that the bylaws now
before the Council be raad a second and third time this day and that
rule 33 of bylaw No LO be suspended for that purpose and that the
seal of the Corporation be attached to this Resolution.
Bylaws read a second time and C"Ouncil went into committee of the
whole on the same Mr Knowles in thev Chair
Committee rose and reported Bylaws with blanks filled.
Bylawsread a.third time and passed.
·Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.