MINUTES - Council - 19121125..
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F 0 R 1 9 1 2
0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L
The twenty ninth meeting ef the tewn council was heltd· en Menday
evening Nevember 25th, the fallowing menbers being present;-Mayer
Baldwin, Reeve Knowles and Councillors Browning, Bassett, Davis and
Manning. The :!.'l:ayer in the chair.
Minutes ef theclast three meetings read and confirmed.
Oemmunicatiens were received from;-
Hagersville Contracting Co regardih g broken stone.
M• H. E. Pro~ter was heard regarding the drains en the new subdivisiR
en the Wells farm
Mr James Knowles and Mr Richardson were heard regarding laying
Water mains on Catharine Avenue and Fleury Street to SUJply water te
the new houses being built on that street.
Bills were received frem the fellewing/-
James Reynolds, error in Cement account
Deminien Guarantee Ce bends fer Petch
Helems Electric Ce, repair 0f Fire Alarm
Moved by Mr Bassett secended by Mr Browning that the following bills
be paid that., the Mayer issue erders on the Treasurer fer the same
and that the sael ef the Corporation be attached te this resolution
James Rey;nolds
Deminien Guarantee Oe
Helms Electric Company
The Clerk laid en the table the agreement with the Cellie Ceckerille
Manufacturing Cempany
rJieveci by Mr Bassett seocmded by Mr Davis that the Mayer and Clerk .
be and they are hereby authorized and instructed te sign the Collie
Ceckerille Cemp. Agreement and attach the seal ef the Cerperatien
there to and that the seal ef the CerpCDratien be attached te this
Twenty Eighth Meeting Continued
Meved by Mr Manning seconded by J,rr Knowles that a four inch water
main be laid en Catharibe Avenue to Fleury street and a two inch
main on Fleury street north te Mr Kamea A. Knowles house, and that
and that the seal of the Cerporatien be attached te th~s resolutien
Moved by !tr Bassett secended by Mr Davis that the Clerk be and he
is hereby autherized te advertise the sale of the Cellie Ceckerille
Manufactuing Companys Debentures ameunting h $15.000 in the Daily
Glebe and Mail three times tenders to be in the Clerks hands on
er before December 9th
Leave was asked te introduce a bylaw to prehibit the sale by retail
ef Spirituous or other fermenteder other manufactured liquor in the
Municipality ef Aurera.
Leave granted and bylaw read a first time.
Meved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Davis that the bylaw to pro
hibit the sale by retail of spirituous er fermented or other manu
factured liquor in the municipality ef Aurora be new read a secend
t•me this day and that rule 33 of bylaw No 10 be suspended fer that
Bylaw read a second time and Council went into committee of the
whele en the same Mr Manning in the chair
Committee rose and reperted bylaw with blanks filled.
Meved by Mr Brewning seconded by-Mr Davis that the Clerk be and
he is hereby authorized and instructed to have the bylaw to prohibit
the sale by retail ef spirituous, fermented er ether manufactured
liquor in the Town ef Aurora { said Bylaw having pased the first and
second reading by this Council} duly advertised in the Aurera Banner
and to take all the steps required by statue te place the bylaw befere
the electors for their approval er rejeutien.
Leave was asked to introduce a bylaw for the purchase ef the works
and property of the Aurora Eiectric Light Company
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Twenty Eighth Meeting Continued.
Moved by Mr Manning seconded by Mr Knowles that the bylaw now
befere the Ceuncil be read a secend :lUe and third time this day
and that rule 33 ef bylaw Ne 10 be suspended for that purpose and
that the seal ef the Corporation be attached te this resolutien.
Bylaw read a second time Skia ahd Ceuncil went into committee of
the whale en .the same Mr Davis in the chair.
Committee rese and reported bylaw with blanks filled.
Bylaw read a third time and passed.
Moved by Mr Knewles seconded by Mr Bassett that the Clerk be
and he is hereby authorized and instruvted to notifY the Aurora Electrm
Light Cempan$ that this Council has passed a bylaw for the purchase
ef the works and plant of the Aurera Electric Light Company the
amount named being it $4000 feur thousand dollars.
Moved by Mr Manning seconded by Mr Knowles that the Clerk be and
he is·hereby instructed to NotifY the Municipal Cerperatien of the
Tewn ef Barrie that the Underhills Limited are carrying on an
established -..x.aaax beet and shoe manufacturing lfitiifiiMSX industry
in the town of Aurora and that under R. S. 0. 1897 Chap
the Corporation of the To~~ of Barrie cannot legally effer any ind
ucements te the said firm te get them te lecate in Barrie. and that
if the said Corperatisn take any stepawhatever that may result in
the remeval of the said industry it will be at their own peril
in reference
and with netice of the position which this Corporation takes thereto
Council adjeurmed to meet at the call ef the MS¥or
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