MINUTES - Council - 19121217THIRTIETH MEETING 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L
F 0 R 1 9 1 2.
The thirtieth meeting of the council was held on Tuesday evening
December 17th in the Council Room the following members being present
Na~ely;~ Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles, and Councillors Bassett, Browning
Davis and Manning, the Mayor in the chair.
Minutes of the last meeting read and cong1rmed.
Communications were received and read from
The Collis Leather Company asking to have their bonus of $16,000 paid.
The Canadian Boving Company, in regard to the instilation of a Disal
Engine to run a Municipal owned electrical plant.
From the Hydro-Electic Power Commission giving rates for electrical
power for Aurora and Newmarket.
An application was received from the Underhills Limited for a discharge
of th~ Mortgage h~ld by the Town on their property, the time having
The Mayor reported that the Collis Leather Companys Debentures had
beem sold and the proceeds deposited in the Bank of Montreal.
He reported that the Collie C~e~I!X Cocerill Companys Debenturers
had been issued and arraignments made with the Bank of Montreal to
advance money on them.
The Clerk was authorized to to have 200 copies of the Treasurers
Financial Statement printed when so directed by the FinanceCommittee
Bills were received from the following persons;-
George Hendry/ work on street
C. A. Petch, postage
The Clerk postage, express 7ot 27.11
Banner Press, printing 217.88
Moved by Mr Manning seconded by Mr Knowles that the following bills
be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same
and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to
George Hendry,
C •. A. Petoh
The Clerk
The Banner Press
this resolution
217 .·88
Thirtieth Meeting Continued
Moved by Fred Browning seconded by B. F. Davis that the application
of the Underhills Limited for a full discharge of thB Mortgage on
their land, plant and buoildings held by this Municipality be granted
and that the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and
directed to have the said discharge completed at once
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Davis that the annual grant of
sixty dollars to the Fire Brigade be paid and that the Mayor be
and is hereby authorized and instructed to issue-an order on the
Treasurer for this amounnt and that the sael of the Corporation be
attached to this resolution,
Moved by Mr Manning seconded by Mr Browning that the Action of
the Mayor in arraigning with the Bank of Montreal to advance $15.000
on the Collie Cockerill Companys Debentures and depositing the said
debentures with the said Bank as collateril security be and the same
is hereby confirmed:
Moved by Mr Browning seconded by Iar ~!anning that the Mayor and Cler ___ _
be and they are hereby authorized to accept the offer of Mr G. w.
Hutchinson for the Collis Leather Companys Debentures amounting to
$16.000 for the sum of $9800 and that they are hereby authorized to
have the Debentures printed at once and the Mayor and Treasurer be
ahd they are hereby authorized to sign the said Debentures. and cause
the S$al of the Corporation to be attached thereto and that the proc
eeds of the sale of the said :Debenturez be de;.oci.ted in the Bank of
Montreal, Aurora to the Credit of this Corporation and that the seal
of the Corporatio~ be attached to this resolution.
Moved by Mr Manning seconded by Mr Knowles that the Treasurers Finan
cial Statement when completed be referred to the Finance Committee
and if found correct the said Committee cause the Clerk to have 200
copies printed and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to
this resolution
Thirtieth Meeting Continued
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Browning that the Clerk be and
he is hereby Authorized and directed to write the Collis Leather Comp~
requesting them to furnish this Council with the information mentioned
in clauses 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the agreement entered into between this
Corporation and the said Collis Leather Company bearing date March
4th, 1912, and whem the sald information is furnished Mr Thomas Urquhat
be employed by this Council to examine said document and see if the
said clauses have been complied with and report to this Council
and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution.
Leave Granted and bylaw read a first time.
Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Knowles that the bylaw now before
the Council be read a second and third time this day and that rule
33 of Bylaw Ko 10 be suspended for that purpose.
Bylaw read a second time and Council went into committee of the
whole on the same
Committee rose and reported bylaw with blanks filled.
Bylaw read a third time and passed.
Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.