MINUTES - Council - 19121007T WE N T Y ~ T H I R D ME E T I N G. 0 F T HE C 0 U N C,I L F 0 R l 9 l 2. The twent7 third meetiD$ ef the Ceunwil was held •• Meada7 evening Oeteaer 7th, the fellewiag members beiag present;-Ma7er !al4wia, Reeve K&ewles and Ceuneillere Bassett, »rewnias, Davia, Maaninc and Mi tehell, tlae M&7er in the chair. Minutes ef the last twe meetiags read and oenfirmed. Mr T. H. Leanex M. L. A. was heard en behalf ef Edward Smith and a let en ethers regardinc the erectiea ef a stable en Welliagtn street west b7 Mr J. M. Willis asking the oeuneil te take seme steps te prevent the ereotiea. Mr H. E. Preeter presented a petitien signed b7 the ratepa7ers ef the prepert7 reeeatl7 epened up ea the Wells Farm pra7ing the Ceuneil te oenstruct a sewer threugh the prepert7 en the :f'rentage tax s7stem. Bille were received :f'rem;- Edgar Andrews, repair te heek and ladder wagen Bell Telephene Cempan7 reat and eenversatieas Fisher DURham, extra werk as eenstaole $10.00 Ul.95 2.00 Meved i7 Mr Bassett seoended b7 Mr Mitchell that the fellewiag a aeceunts oe paid and that the M~er issue triers en the Treasurer fer the same and that the saal e:f' the Cerperatien be attached te this reselutie:a;-Viz Edgar Andrews Bell Telepheae Cemp&a7 Fisher Dunham Carried. $10,00 ~· 2.00 Meved 87 Mr Bassett seeended b7 Mr Mitchell that the Mayer, Reeve and Oeuneillers Brewniag and Manning be a ee .. ittee te deal with with Mr H. E. Preeter re' drain en Harrisen Avenue and that the seal e:f' the Oerperatien be attached te this reselutiea Carried. ~--~~. ~ .. ~. .~ ... ·------,"-------~: Twenty Third Meeting Centinued Meved by Mr Bassett seolilnded by Mr Brewning that the Mayer and C Ceunoillers Mitchell and ManniRg be a Cemmittce interview the Maneger ef the Bank ef Mentreal re ebjectien te his building a stable en -the rear ef the Bank preperty and that the sael ef the Cerperatien be attached te this reselutien. Carried., Leave was asked te intreduoe a bylaw te autherize the Mayer and Treasurer te berrewxsufficient meney te meet the current expenditure ef the Municipality until the taxws are paid fer 1912, Leave granted and bylaw read a first time. Meved by Mr Knewles secend~~.~~dMr Manning that the bylaw new befere . ~,,,_,...,....._ \ the Ceunoil be read a secend~time this day. Carried Bylaw read a seeend time and Ceuncil went inte oemmittee ef the whele en the same Mr Brewning in the ohair. In! t.tvV' . Cemmi~tee rese and reperte~blanks filled. Bylaw read a third time and passed. Ceunoil Adjeurned te me~t at the call ef the Mayer. --------------·-'••' •• '''-·¥-••.'•,• '•'•••'v·",-',.",, l I l