MINUTES - Council - 19121007T WE N T Y ~ T H I R D ME E T I N G. 0 F T HE C 0 U N C,I L
F 0 R l 9 l 2.
The twent7 third meetiD$ ef the Ceunwil was held •• Meada7 evening
Oeteaer 7th, the fellewiag members beiag present;-Ma7er !al4wia,
Reeve K&ewles and Ceuneillere Bassett, »rewnias, Davia, Maaninc and
Mi tehell, tlae M&7er in the chair.
Minutes ef the last twe meetiags read and oenfirmed.
Mr T. H. Leanex M. L. A. was heard en behalf ef Edward Smith and
a let en
ethers regardinc the erectiea ef a stable en Welliagtn street west
b7 Mr J. M. Willis asking the oeuneil te take seme steps te prevent
the ereotiea.
Mr H. E. Preeter presented a petitien signed b7 the ratepa7ers ef
the prepert7 reeeatl7 epened up ea the Wells Farm pra7ing the Ceuneil
te oenstruct a sewer threugh the prepert7 en the :f'rentage tax s7stem.
Bille were received :f'rem;-
Edgar Andrews, repair te heek and ladder wagen
Bell Telephene Cempan7 reat and eenversatieas
Fisher DURham, extra werk as eenstaole
Meved i7 Mr Bassett seoended b7 Mr Mitchell that the fellewiag a
aeceunts oe paid and that the M~er issue triers en the Treasurer
fer the same and that the saal e:f' the Cerperatien be attached te this
Edgar Andrews
Bell Telepheae Cemp&a7
Fisher Dunham
Meved 87 Mr Bassett seeended b7 Mr Mitchell that the Mayer, Reeve
and Oeuneillers Brewniag and Manning be a ee .. ittee te deal with
with Mr H. E. Preeter re' drain en Harrisen Avenue and that the seal
e:f' the Oerperatien be attached te this reselutiea
~--~~. ~ .. ~. .~ ... ·------,"-------~:
Twenty Third Meeting Centinued
Meved by Mr Bassett seolilnded by Mr Brewning that the Mayer and C
Ceunoillers Mitchell and ManniRg be a Cemmittce interview the
Maneger ef the Bank ef Mentreal re ebjectien te his building a
stable en -the rear ef the Bank preperty and that the sael ef the
Cerperatien be attached te this reselutien.
Leave was asked te intreduoe a bylaw te autherize the Mayer and
Treasurer te berrewxsufficient meney te meet the current expenditure
ef the Municipality until the taxws are paid fer 1912,
Leave granted and bylaw read a first time.
Meved by Mr Knewles secend~~.~~dMr Manning that the bylaw new befere
. ~,,,_,...,....._ \
the Ceunoil be read a secend~time this day.
Bylaw read a seeend time and Ceuncil went inte oemmittee ef the
whele en the same Mr Brewning in the ohair.
In! t.tvV' .
Cemmi~tee rese and reperte~blanks filled.
Bylaw read a third time and passed.
Ceunoil Adjeurned te me~t at the call ef the Mayer.
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