MINUTES - Council - 19120917T W E N T Y -F I R S T M E E T I N G 0 F T BEE C 0 U E C I L F 0 R l 9 l 2. The twenty fi-rst meeti:ag ef the Tewn Ceuncil was held en Tuesday evening September l~th, 1912, the following Members being present Viz M~or Baldwin, Reeve Knowles and Councillors Bassett. Brewning, Ceaover, Davis-Manning and Mitchell. the Mayer in the Chair. Minutes ef last meeting reai and eenfirmei. Cemmunieations were reoeivei sad read frem The Uydre.tleetrie Pewer Cemmiissien Re suppl~iag electric pewer. Manville Ctmpan;y • Re Chemical Fire Extiaguisher engines. Celie Ceokerill Manufaoturiag Co re purchase ef part ef the Pesitive Clutch and Pulley.Werks preperty fer the site ef their faoter;y. c. A. Willie ad Dr Butler askinc te have a cemeat sidewalk laid oa the east side of Vioteria street in front ef ther preperty. The Carters in town asking the Ceunoil to have Carters License issued. \ ' ' The Clerk laid en the table the Mertgage givea by the Pesitive Cluteh and Pulley Werks aad Acreements wt*kx in eemneetiea with the said Cempan;y to secure the tewn fer a lean of Feur Thousand Dellars frem the town to cemplete their buildings and meve their plant here. / Mr R. E. Precter was heard asking tho Couneil to oonstruot a sewer threugh the preperty ewned by himself, the Positive Clutch and Pulley Works property and the Rome Baildinc Cempam;vs property en the Wells Farm en the frentage system. Mr Jacks was heard in regard te building a sidewalk en Wells Street seuth, stating it was the intentien ef the Cempan;y to build seven or eight new heuses en that street at enoe. The Clerk reperted the result ef the vete en the Collie Ceokerill Cempan;ys Bylaws taken en Monday September 9th, as fellews/;- The number ef vetes cast fer the bylaw cranting the lean l'iferth Ward fer the bylaw ~0 against the bylaw 3 Centre Ward de 89 de ' Seuth Ward de 9'7 de '1 Tetal 256 1'1 Majority for the Byla'!' 239. ! .,,,J . ..@_J.U_,~.--·:'\'' _2_0 --'>'Y 11 Twe:aty First Meeti:ag Oe:atinued. The number ef vetes east fer the Bylaw fixi:ag the Assessment ef the Cellie Ceekerille Oemp&D7 was as fellews. Berth Ward, fer the Bylaw 69, against the bylaw 5 Ce:atre Ward Sep:th Ward de de Tetal 89 96 'I 'I 19 A petitie:a was received frem Dr Butler a:ad C. A. Willis asking the Ceunoil te censtuuct a eidewald en the East side ef Vioteria street in fre:at ef the petitieners dwellings en that street. A petitie:a was received from the Carters in Tewn asking the C Ceuneil te Lieense the Carters in tew.a. Bills were received frem the fellewi:ag persens Aurera Hardware Ce, Hardware The Caaada Metal Oe, Zinc fer batteries A. Leve, Deputy R.O. G. T. Smith h H.. D. Lundy de Jelul Bew'bury pell elerk T. H.. Bread de A. H.aneeok de Harry Hulse, Ceastable Leuis Rhinehart Luke Appletea De de Arthur Atki:ase:a, pelling ieeth T. H. M. Hulse de s. R. Hart, Supplies fer taking vete freight $4.1.7'1 4.09 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1050 1 •. 50 4.00 4.00 3.75 4.].7 J. J. Dunning, balance ef acoeunt fer watering streets lli.OO Banner Press fer advertising bylaw& William Dun:aing, Censtable July let ·J, Soett 58.20 2.0.0 2.00 I I l / Twenty First Meeting Continued Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Mitchell that the fellewing accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders en the treasurer fer the same and that the seal ef the Cerperatien be attached te this re.solution. Viz Aurora Hardware The Canada Metal A.. Love G. T. Smith. R. D. Lundy Jelm .Newbury T. H .• Br-.d . A. Hand cock Harry Hulse L. Rhineh.Ut Luke Apppletea A. Atkinson T.R. M, Hulse s. Hart &CO .. Co .. Co -.. -.. - Toronto & York Radial Railway J. J. Dunninc Banner Press -$4l.ta -&.09 -&.00 4.00 -&.00 -2 • .00 -2~00 2.00 1050 -1~50 1.50 4.00 4.00 ~~ i-:1o '·P~ 110.00 58.20 Carried· Meved by Mr Manning seoended by Mr Knowles that Ceunoillers Basset Mitchell and Manning and Mayer Baldwin be a committee to meet and prepare an agreement between this Cerperathn and the Callie Ceokerille Cempany. Carried. Meved by Mr Bassett secended by Mr Mitokell that the Water Werks Cemmittee be and they are hereby authorized and instructed to te lay a feur inch water main en Wells Street seutk te Cannaught Street and that a hydrant be placed at the. end ef the same. also if. they deem it advisable te lay a four inch main en Harrisen Avenue east 560 feet and place a hydrant at the end ef the same. Carried Twenty first Meetih& Continued 'Moved 'by Mr Davis seconded by Mr Mitchell that the :Mayer be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to accept the orders which have been drawn en this Corporation bj the Positive Clutch and Pulley Works Company as fellows;-George H. wilkinsen. One Theusand and Thirty Two and 46/lee Dollars( $1052.46} ia i'u.ll ef his claim and oeste ef discharge ef his lean against the Positive Clutch & Pulley Works. Ltd. George H, Wilkinson, the sum of FQur Hundred and Seventy Five Dollars ($475} the same to be paid as mutually agreed upon between Mr Wilkinson andthis Corpetatien and the sum of Four Hundred and Seventy Five Dollars ($475.00) to :!t!r James Knowles as seen as the work }las been completed fer the Positive Clutch and Pulley Works and accepted by them and the sael of the 8•rperatien be attached te this reselutien. Carried. Moved by Mr Manning seconded by Mr Conover that the llllayer be and be is hereby authorized and instructed to have the Positive Clutch and Pulley Works Debentures ~inted and issued amounting te tea Thausand Dollars ($10.000) and that he is hereby authorized to selll Four Thousand Dollars worth of the said Debentures by tender er as it may be thought best in the interests of this Corporation, and the proceeds ef said sale to be deposited te the credit of this Cerperatia fer the purpose ef paying the orders whiah have been dralB en this Corporation by the Positive Clutch and Pulley Works Company er which may be drawn by said cempaicy" te assist them in completing their Buitdings in this Municipality and assist them in moving their machin · ery aero and that the sael of the Cerperatiea. ve attached to this reselJI,tien. Carried. Moved by Mr Bassett secended by Mr Manning that the Bylaw granting a lean ef $15.000 te the Collie Cockerille Manufacturing Company aild which was voted en b1 the Qualified electors of the Corporation of Aurora en Monday September 9th. and asseated te by said electors by a majeri ty of 239. being more than two thirds ef the votes pelled fer and against the said Bylaw. be new read a third time aadppassed and the Mayeer be and he is hereby instructed •• sign the same and cause the seal ef the Corporation te be attached thereto. Carried. I I I I I I 1 l Twenty First Meeting Continued Bylaw read a third tim~ and passed the motion fer the third reading being adepted by a unanimeus vete ef the Ceunci~ Meved by Mr Mr Brewning secended by Mr Davis that 'the bylaw fixing the assessment ef. the Cellie Checkerill Manufacturing Cempany at $6000.00 fer ten years and assented te by the qalified electors ef t.he. Town ef Aurora en Menday September 9tll., bJ a maJeri»r ef il 235 beiq mere than twe thirds ef the vete polled fer and against the said bylaw. be new read a third time and passed and that the ._,er be and h• is hereby autheriaed and instructed te sign the sama and eause the seal ef the Cerporatien te be attached therete. Carried. Bylaw read a third time and passed the vete ef the Ceuneil en the bylaw beini unaniJIIeua. Moved by Mr Conever seconded by Mr Brewning that the Clerk be and b.e is hereby instructed te have tll.e bylaws cranting a lean ef $15.000 te the Cellie Ceekerille Manufacturing; Cemp&nl registered in the Nerth Yerk Registry office at ence, also the bylaw fixing the assessment et the said Cempany at $6.000 fer ten years registere at the same time, alee that the Clerk be and he is hereby instructed te have tlte netiee ef rer;istratien advertised in the Aurera Banner aoeerding te law and that the seal ef the Oerperatien be attachedte this reselution. Carriecl. Meved by Mr Manning secended by ~Xnewles tltat the Clerk be and is ltereby instructed te netif.J the Aurera Electric Light Cempany, tltat ewing te their refusal te turn en the light en Saturday ev.eniD.g the 14th ef September that this Ceunoil refuse te pay any further ameunts te said Cempany fer Street lighting. Carried. Ceunoil adJourned te meet ._t the call e:t the Mayer. ---."----\";7;