MINUTES - Council - 19121023T W E N T Y -F I F T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 l 2. The twenty fifth meeting of the Council for 1912 was held en Wednes dSJ evening October 23rd. 1912 the following members being present;- :tlayor Baldwin. Reeve Knewles and Councill3rs Bassett. Browning. Davis Mannittg ud Mitchell. The Mayor in the chair. Minutes of last two meetings read and confirmed. The repert of the Xnspector ef the Canadian Fire Underwriters As Association en the Fire preventative appliances which was made en the 23rd September was received and read. Bills were received frem the following persons Viz;- T. A. Hamer, castings fer read machine Terente and York iadial R7t freight J. p. MOEa,. registering Bylaws w. L. Banbury, cement fer walks OUSh & Sons hardware General Hospital, keep of B. Hobdy $4.00 J,.87 4.00 190.94 39.65 25.00 Moved by 1ilt Bassett seconded by Mr Davis that the fallowing accounts be paid that the Mayer issue orders en the ~reasurer for the same and that the seal ef the Corporation be attached te this resolution viz;- Toronto an• York Radial By J. ~. :w:oXu W. ;L. iaallury O\llll & sen General Heepita1 Carried. $4.00 1.87 4.00 190.94 39.65 25.00 \Leave was asked to intreduoe a bylaw to authorize the Mayer and T f Trea~¥rer te berrew the sum ef Feur Theusan4 Dellars fren Mr Geerge Lemen until the Debentures of the Positive Clutch and Pulley Works ~bentures can be soli. :Leave srante4 and b;vlaw read a first time r I Twenty Fifth Meeting Continued. Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Manning that the Bylaw now before the Council be read a second and third time this day, that rule 33 of bylaw No 10 be suspended fer that purpose and that the sael of the Corporation be attached te this reselut4en. Carried. Byla• read a second time and Council went into committee of the whole on the same Mr Bassett in the chair. Committee rose and reperted the Bylaw with blanks filled. iylaw read a third time and passed. Council AdJeurned to meet at the call ef the M~or. ---·-'"-~--__ .,.. ____ -