MINUTES - Council - 19121011I
T W E N T Y - F 0 U R T H M E E T I N G 0 F THE 0 0 U N 0 IL
F 0 R 1 9 1 2
The twenty feurth meeting ef the Oeunoil fer 1912 was held en
Friday evening Octeber 11th, 1912, the fellewing Members being
present;-Viz Mayer Baldwin, Reeve Knewles and Oeuncillera
Bassett, Davie, Mitchell and Manning. The Mayer in the chair
The Mayer explained·. the meeting had been called fer the purpee
ef censiderihg the Hydre~eleotrie Pewers Oemmissiens effer te
this municipality.
After same discussien the fellewing reselutien was passed and
the Clerk was instructed t• send a cepy ef the reselutien te
the Oemmissieners and request that an engineer be sent up te
' oensult with the·oeuncil;-
Meved by Mr Mitchell seoended by Mr Manning that the Oeuncil
ef the Municipality ef Aurera requests the Hydre-eleotrio Pewer
Cemmissien te give the Municipality ef Aurera an estimate ef
the price te be charged te the said Municipality fer horse
pewer ef electric energy te be supplied ready te be distributed
by the said I>Iuniaipali ty.
Meved by Mr Bassett eeoended by Mr Davis that the Mayer and
Ceunoillers Manning, Mitchell and Bassett be a Cemmittee te can
fer with the Aurera ileotric Light Plant in Aurera re the
purchase e.f their plant in Aurera and that the seal ef the Cer
peratien be attached te th~s reselutien
. -"
Ceuncil adjeurned te meet at the call ef the Mayer •