MINUTES - Council - 191208160 F THE C 0 U N C I L
F 0 R 1 9 l 2.
The nineteent~ aeetinc ef the Ceuncil was held on Friday Evening
August 16tb, 1912 the fellewinc members beinc preeent;M Viz Mayer
Baldwin, Reeve Knowles ani Councillors Bassett, Brewninc Conover,
an4 Manninc., the !qyer in the chair.
A oemmunicatien was reeeive4 hem the Se(Jretary ef the Hich and
Publio Sohoels a&kinc application for the amount te be levied
fer Scheel purposes fer the eemiag; year, Rich Scheel $2500.00 the
Pnblio Scheel $4200.QO.
fremMiOllal Shulm8.l'1 fer water for five new houses which he intends
buildiag en Ce:lltre street east of the Granin TrlUik tracks and a side
walk te be laid en the nuth side ef Centre street te the houses
and twe ebotric li&hta en that aide.
Leave was asked to introduce a bylaw to grant a lean ef $15.000
te the Collie Cockerill Ma:aufacturing; Ceap~. Limite& fer the purpese
· factory.
ef purchasing a site and erecting a ~**-1 there en in the Town
o:t Aurora.
Leave crante4 ani Bylaw read a first time
Meved by Mr Knewlee seconded by Mr ~amninc that the bylaw new
before the Council be read a second time this d$J and that rule 33
ef bylaw Ire ie be n.spended fer that purpose.
B;rlaw read a seoend tao and Council wont int. committee of the
whole on the same Mr Knewlee in the ohair
Co~ittee rose and reported the Bylaw with bla:aka filled.
Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Manninc that the Clerk be and
he~:~~b;r inatruotod te have the the Collie CQckerill Manufaotur
ing f. advertised three times in the Aurora Banner· oellll1encinc Aupst
23rt. 1912.
Council AdJeuned te meet at the call o.f tho ~er
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