MINUTES - Council - 191208160 F THE C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 l 2. The nineteent~ aeetinc ef the Ceuncil was held on Friday Evening August 16tb, 1912 the fellewinc members beinc preeent;M Viz Mayer Baldwin, Reeve Knowles ani Councillors Bassett, Brewninc Conover, an4 Manninc., the !qyer in the chair. A oemmunicatien was reeeive4 hem the Se(Jretary ef the Hich and Publio Sohoels a&kinc application for the amount te be levied - fer Scheel purposes fer the eemiag; year, Rich Scheel $2500.00 the Pnblio Scheel $4200.QO. (rea fremMiOllal Shulm8.l'1 fer water for five new houses which he intends buildiag en Ce:lltre street east of the Granin TrlUik tracks and a side walk te be laid en the nuth side ef Centre street te the houses and twe ebotric li&hta en that aide. Leave was asked to introduce a bylaw to grant a lean ef $15.000 te the Collie Cockerill Ma:aufacturing; Ceap~. Limite& fer the purpese · factory. ef purchasing a site and erecting a ~**-1 there en in the Town o:t Aurora. Leave crante4 ani Bylaw read a first time Meved by Mr Knewlee seconded by Mr ~amninc that the bylaw new before the Council be read a second time this d$J and that rule 33 ef bylaw Ire ie be n.spended fer that purpose. Carried. B;rlaw read a seoend tao and Council wont int. committee of the whole on the same Mr Knewlee in the ohair Co~ittee rose and reported the Bylaw with bla:aka filled. Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Manninc that the Clerk be and he~:~~b;r inatruotod te have the the Collie CQckerill Manufaotur ing f. advertised three times in the Aurora Banner· oellll1encinc Aupst 23rt. 1912. Carried Council AdJeuned te meet at the call o.f tho ~er ~~ ::?--~~.-:J / /