MINUTES - Council - 19120820!l!WEJIITIETH JltEE!l!IliiG OF THE C 0 U 111 C I L
FOR 1 9 1 2.
The twentieth meetiac ef the tewa Council fer 1912 was held en
Taesda;r eveaiac Al1Slll&t 20ta. the fellewilllS members bei:ag preseJilt
llta;rer Baldwia. Reeve K:aewles and Ceuaoillers Bassett. Davis.
llti:autes ef last meetiJilc reai aad oenfirmed.
A bill was received from Samuel Geerce ameuatiq te $28.66 fer
lumber fer streets.
Moved 87 Jltr Mitchell secelildei b;r lltr Davas that the bill ef
Samuel Geers;e ame'imtiJilc te $28.66 referred te the li'ililaace · Cellllllllli
ttee aai if found oerreot the Jlta;rer issue an erder •• the Treasurer
fer the same and that the seal ef the Corporation be attaChed te
this reselati••·
Leave was asked te introduce a b;rlaw te fix the assessmeJilt ef
the Collie Cockerill JltiiJilufe.oturi:ag Ce Limited at the sum ef $6e00
li'OR A PERIOiet to ;rears
Leave cra~~.tetl aad B;rlaw read a first time.
Jlteved b;r Mr Knewles seee:aded b;r Mr CeJilever that the b;rlaw :aew before
the OeUJiloil be read a sece:ad time this da;r aad thatYrule 33 ef
b7l&W l!Ie 10 be suspe:a,ded fer that purpese?
B;rlaw read a seeend time and Council weJilt ·into cemmittee ef the
whole en the same Jltr K:aewles 1Jil the Chair.
Committee rose and reported b;rlaw with blanks filled.
Moved b7 Mr Bassett seconded b;r Mr lltitohell that the b;rlaw te
fix the assessme:at ef the Collie Oeokerille Maaufaoturi_, Ce at
$6000 fer ten ;rears be Advertised in the Aurora Banner three times
eemme•oiq e:a Aqust 23r4.
Council theJil ad~euraed te meet at the call ef the Ma;rer