MINUTES - Council - 19120805EIGHTEENTH MEETING 0 F THE C 0 U liJ C I L F 0 R 1 9 1 2· The eipteenth meeting of the Ceuneil was held en Menday evening Au,ast 5th. 1912. the fellewiac members beinc present;-Viz l!ai•r Baldwin. Reeve Knewles and Councillors Bassett. Brewniac. Davis Mannina and Mitwhell. the Mayer in the Chair. Minutes ef the twe previous meetings read and confirmed. Bills wewe received from the i'Qllewinc;- F. c. Walton. Cedar Gartshere-Th.-;aen Pipe Foundry Samuel George. Lumber dan&da Fiundry Cempa:ay Bell Telephone Comp~ Buf'i'ale·Metre Company $20.00 180.02 4.40 33.00 10.00 42.00 Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Mitchell that the i'ollewins accounts be paid that the Mayer issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the sael of the Cerporation be attached to this reselutien;-Vis F. C. Walten Ga.rtshere-The~sen Pipe Cemp~ Samuel Georce C&Jta4a Foundry Company Bell Telephone Cemp~ Buffalo Metre Company Carrie&. $20.00 180.02 , •• o 33.00 10.00 42.00 The Clerk reperted that he had received notice from the County Clerk giviac the amounts te be collected from this "-Munioipali ty "" :f'er County purposes General purpose $673.19. Industrial Heme $150.64. Court Reuse Debenture $75.63 tetal $1199.36 Council then adJourned te meet at the call e:f' the Mayer. /' ~I