MINUTES - Council - 19120726SIXTEEJlTll MEETING 0]' T 11 E C 0 UNJl C I L F 0 R 1 9 l 2. The sixteenth meetina of the council was held in the Council room en Fridar July26th the fellewing.members beiac present Viz/- JI!tqor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles and Couaaillers Bassett. Browning Cenover, Davis. ManlliDC and Mitchell. The Jl!tqor in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and cenfiraad. A reselutien was presentecl passed by the Citizens Committee recem mending the Council te .-,:at Bessers Gla.agew and Fisher a lean of twenty five thousand dollars to enable them te build a factory here fer the purpose of Manufacturin& Desks and ether b&Dk fixings. The Clerk made application for license and rent of the Fark fer the Gibbs Family fer a Vaudeville shew fer ene week cemmencin& JulJ'il&t· Moved by Mr Manning Secended _, Mr Knowles that the request ef the Gibbs family fer the use of the Park and a licenee fer a faude ville shew be cranted and that the7 Pal four dollars per da7 as license and rent fer the same. Carried. Moved b7 Mr Mitchell seconded b7 Mr Bassett That whereas the etfer of the Ceuncil te Pal Mr M. Shulman $,5.00 towards p&J'in& fer filling in the revene in trent ef his houses en Yence Street was net accepted by Mr Shulman and as the work has been dene by this cerporatien at their own expense the resolution granting the the said ameunt ef $75 be &ad the same is herebJ' recinded and that the Clerk be and is hereby insjl'aoted to han the agreetnent given by m. Shulmaa registered in the registra~ effioe Carriei. The Ceunoil resolved its self into the Committee of the whole on the Citizens Reolution re Messrs Glasso &: Fishers application fer a lean of $25.000 and on risiD,IJ recommended the Council t.e inter view Messrs Gle,sgow &: Fisher and the Tawn Selllloitor before any action was taken in the matter The Ceuncil then ad~ourned to meet at the call of the Ma.¥er. ~~· /1-;) ! / -~------________ _j