MINUTES - Council - 19120709__ ) FIFTEENTH M E E T I N G 0 F T R E 0 0 U N 0 I L F 0 R l 9 1 2. The fifteenth meeting of the lounoil for 1912 was heli on Tuesday evening Jul7 9th, the following members being present;-Viz MaJ'or BaldWin, :Seeve Xnowl,ee and Counoillers Bassett. Browning Conover, Mannil\8 eai Mitchell, The lll&J'or in tb.e eb.air. Minntes of last meeting read and confirmed? Comm~tions we•• received and read trem;- The Seoretar7 of the Fublic School board requesting the Council to hold an election for a Fublio School Trustee to fill the vacancy caused b7 tb.e removal ofMr William Osborne to the North West, Fram Filkin Brothers asking the privelege of closing their .. Fool Room during the months of Ju17 ani August and cease P$Jing license fer the two months· From tb.e Salvation Arfll7 asking for a donation towar.ds tb.eir Social. work in Toronto;- 1rom F •. R. Oummer asking the privelege of putting down a drain on Spruce Street from his cellar;- A Petition was received ani read from J. F. Willis and 29 others asking to use oil to lay the dust on the streets instead of water A member of tb.e moving picture Co was beard asking that the lie license for tb.e show be reduced from $50.00 to $25.00 A member of the. Rome building Comp&nJ' was heard in regard to fUrnishing water for building houses on the property they have acquired. Michael Shulman was heard in regard to filling in the revene in front of b.is dwell.inge on Yonge street. A deputation from them Fire Brigade was present and aekel to b.ave Monday August 5th appointed a oivic hol:llday. ' A,ceounta we•• received from the following pertoas;-Viz lt. W. Jcne:a...lila'avil~e Ce Washers &ot T. Siaman Shoe Co Ciaders Unierb.ills Limited do w. L. ianburJ" Watering Streets A Murray Charity ·· General Hospital Keep of Mrs Luetic Gutta Ferob.a Rubber Co, Rose Samuel George~ Lumber Grand Trunk, ~reight 1'1.65 3.25 5o~OO a.oo 1.-55 15o~OO 181~10 21.82 lol4 Fifteenth Meeting Continued. Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Mitchell that the following bills be paid that the Mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the -seal of' the Corporation bevattaohed to this resolution H. w. Jones)-Manville T. Si11111lan Shoe Company Underhill& Limited W • L. BanblU'y A. Murray General Hospital Gutta Peroll.a Rubller Company Samuel George Gran4 Truat Rai1way Carrie4. .,.63 - 3.25 s.oo 8.00 1.55 u.oo 181.10 21.82 1.¥ Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Mitchell that the request of Filkin Brothers be granted and that they be relieve~\ from paying license for their l'ool Room for the months of July and August and that the seal of the Corporation be -attached to this resolution. Carried~ Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Browning that the Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to hold an election for a l'ublio School Trustee to fill the Vacancy caased by the removal of Mr William Osborne. the Nomination to be held on Tuesday eveni9gJuly 30th and the election if necessary on Tuesday August 6th/ Carried. Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Mitchell that the Water :.;works Committee lie and they are hereby authorize~\ to lay a one andone half inch water pipe on Ross street te H~ Shortreed also a two inch water pipe from Wellington to Centre Street to SUJJply H. Harman and C. Lipskin with water also to put a servioe to the Home Builders Property. And that the seal Alf the Coeyoration be attached to this resolution. Carried• Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Conover that this Corporation contribute the sum of $125.00 towards fillinb up the hollow in front of M. Shulmans new houses on 'tonge street the same to be filled to ' ,_ I the satisfaction of this Colllloil and that the seal of the Corporation be attache~\ to this resolution. Lost ----~--· -·--------~ Fifteenth Meeting Centi:li!Util - Moved by Mr Bassett Seco:lided by 1\~r Mitchell that this Council grant Mr M. Shulman t.he sum of Sel'enty F,tve Dollars towards f':illing up the the hollow in fron'l of his property on the east side et Yonge street the same to be done to the satisfaction of this Council and that the eael of' the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. !rhe Council acf~ourned till meet at the call of the Mayor -' ----~-----------· ----. -.--.-_-,-,--,-~------,...,--,--.-------·