MINUTES - Council - 191112131 •• T W E N T Y -F I F T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 1 1 The twenty fifth meeting of the .Town Council for 1911 was held on '\Vednesday evening December 13th, the following members being present . !c1ayor Baldwin, Reeve Enowles and Couhcillors Bond Bassett, !~urray Scrivener, Staples and Steele. The I1ayor in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Accounts were received from the following perso:Q.s;- B. F. Davis gravil $5.25 Henry Harman, work Jos Stephenson, work General IIospi tal, keep of patients Holems Electric Co, supplies for alarm Edgar Andrews, repairs Stickney Coal Co, Coal Aurora Hardware Co, sundries 22.50 .50 54.60 30.70 ·2.00 104.38 37.86 Banner l'ress, printing and advertising 216.53 Selection of Jurors The Clerk, postage, express & ct A. G. Lloyd/ coal for Town Hall C. A. Petch, postage~: George Davis /delivering coal 6.00 35.00 3. 75 4.44 4I.80 Moved by Ivlr Bassett seconded by Dr Scrivener that the following accounts be paid that-the l!Iayor issue orders on the Treasurer for t11e same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution;- B. F. Davis Henry Harman Joseph Stephenson General Hospital Holmes Electric Company Edgar Andrews· Stickney Coal Co. . ~p 5.25 22.50 .50 54.60 30.70 2000 104.38 __ ,~-· ' ,<...._ Twenty-fifth meeting continued. Aurora Hardware Company Banner Press Selectors of Jurors The Clerk A. G. Lloyd C. A. l'etch Geo :::Javis $37.86 216.53 6.00 35.50 3. 75 4.44 41.80. Carried Application was made for refund of taxes by the following pa:lrties M. Fleury, tax on dog destroyed Fred Boynton, error in roll Machell w. Maxshail:l, business tax $1.00 4.32 Moved by ~.lr Knowles seconded by Mr Bond that the following taxes .be and the same are<:·hereby refunded. W I!achell M. Fleury F. Boynton $6?43 1.00 4.32 Carried. Moved by rJr I:nowles seconded by i::r Staples that the request of the Fire Brigade for a new Hook and Ladder ·::agon be referred to the Fire and Light Committee to report at the next meeting of the Council Carried· Jllbved by tla Bassett seconded by ![r Scrivener that the Treasurers Financila Statement when ready be referred to the Finance Co~nittee an~ if found correct the usual number of copies be printed. Carried. Leave was asked to introduce a By.).Law :i.l§:zli'liiiiixfil xto hold Munic ipal Nomdnations for 1912. Leave granted and Bylaw read a first time . j ' ;; ' ·-" rl'!"~/---~'-.9~---""'-· ·-JZ~~~~-. _.~.....,.-~_~.;...,.,;.;,; _" ,_, __ --'· ;,_-.:r;;(~_-,;:. I, I I Twenty-fifth meeting continued Moved by ~Kr Knowles seconded by Iir Staples that rule 33 of bylaw E.o lo be suspended and that the bylaw now before the Council be read a second and third time this day Carried. Bylaw read a second time and Council went into committee of the whole on the same Mr Bond in the chair Committee rose and reported the bylaw with.blanks filled. Bylaw read a third time and passed. Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor I