MINUTES - Council - 19111123,-.:;. T W E N T Y - F 0 U R T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C L F o r 1 9 1 1 The twenty fourth meeting of the Council was held in the Clerks office on Thursday No.vember 23rd, 1911, the following members being present~-Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles. and Councillors Bond Bassett Mmurray, Scrivener, Steele and Staples. Mayor Baldwin in the chair The Mayor explained the reason for calling the meeting that the committee who were to meet mr :Lennox and Collis wished to consult the Council be~ore meeting these gentlemen. Moved by !irr Bond seconded by I1r Steele that the Committee appointed by this Council g,a..Memi!ay on Monday evening last Novem 20th to meet r,Ir Collis and Mr T. H. Lennox Re Tannery Loan of $lo .00 be and they are hereby instructed to inform l'J:r Collis that this Hunicipality is prepared to to pay the $10.000 loan voted last January when Hr Collis has his Company formed, the building erected --machinery installed and a working cpital of $~0.000 Carried A communication was received and read from the Secretary of the Fire Brigade asking for certain things for the brigade The Council then ad.journed to meet at the call of the l'~ayor