MINUTES - Council - 19110801I I I L~ N I N E T E E N T ll 1-iEETING 0 F T II E COUNCIL FOR1911 Coun~il met ~uesday evening August 1st the followi~g members being present, Mayor Baldwin and Councillors Bond Bassett, lliurray Scrivner, Staples and Steele. Moved by Dr Scrivener seconded by Mr Bassett that the petition of Re W. C. Willis and others on Spruce Street be granted, sidewalk on the outside of the trees and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by Mr r1urray seconded by Dr Scrivenelt that the sidewalk on Wells street between tlosley and Metcalf streets be put on the outside of the Trees, Carried. 1.!oved by Dr Scrivener seconded by Iilr Bond that the Tender of Wood, Gundy & Company for the Cement S-idewalk Debentures amounting to $5,000 and the Positive Clutch and Pulley Works debentures amounting to $iiiii:xilia® $10,000 in all to $15,000 beaccepted for $14,871.00 and that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notifyn Wood, Gundy and Company at once to that effect. Carried. Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.