MINUTES - Council - 19090712F I F T E E N T R MEETING 0 F C 0 UN C I L F 0 R I $ o 9. The fifteenth meeting of the town Council was held I:Ionday evening July I2th, 'Jihe members present being the llayor, Reeve and Councillors Bona, Bassett, Delahaye and Querrie. :rhe Mayor in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. The Hayor stated the meeting had been called in regard to the sale '· of the Debentures. Moved by Mr Bond seconded by Mr Bassett that the tender of William C/ Brent for the Debentures of this Icunicipality amounting to $4,80 bearing interest at 4 per cent and maturing in 20 years for the sum of 04,539.oo and accrued interest be and the same is hereby accepted and that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify I,1r Brent to that effect at once ana that the.Clerk be and is hereby instructed to furnish T.:r Brent with copies of all necessary papers required by him in the purchase of the said debentures. Carried. Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor. c .')