BYLAW - Licensing and Regulating Victualling Houses - 19470902 - 97847BY-LAW NUMBER 9 7J'
of the ililmioipal Corporation of the Town of
The Mmicipal council of the corporation of the Town of
Aurora enacts as follows:
1. No person shall, within the 1 imi ts of the Town of Aurora, keep
a victualling house, ordinary or house where fruit, fish, oysters,cl~s
or victuals are sold to be eaten therein without obtaining a license so to
do, and every person so licensed shall be subject to the provisions of this
2. Before a license respecting the business referred to in paragraph
1 herein is gra:rited, the ~'-shall ascertain if the !¥,Jplicant is of
good character, and if he is satisfied as to his character and the other provis-
ions of this By-Law are complied with, a license maybe issued in the name
of the Corporation by the .Clerk of the Corporation; but if he ascertains
that the applicant's character is not good, n.o such license shall be granted
except upon the order of this Council, after due consideration of the app-
tati on the applicMt may desire to make concernin.g same.
In all cases of' partnership firms one license only shall be required4 •
to be taken out.foit'cany one place or premises.
4. Every license issue,, under this By-Law shall be made out in du-
plicate, and one copy • shall be delivered to the person licensed, who shall·~
produce the same whenever it may be demanied by the Chief Constable, or any
Justice of the Peace, Constable or other person duly authorized, to demand
its production, and one copy shall be retained.
-.2 -
Every license issued under this By-Law shall l;>ear the ·name of' the
Corporation of' the 1'own of' .~urora, which may ·oe printed, lithographed or written, 4-
and all such licenses shall be signed by the Clerk of' the Corporation,
6. Every person obtaining a license under this By-Law shall lreep
his license posted up in some conspicuous place on the premises in respect of'
which the ·license is issued.
7. Every house, place orepremises, the owner or keeper of' which is
licensed under this l3y-Law, shall be liable to be inspected at all reasonable
times by the Chief' Constable, or any police of'f'ic,er or other person duly
orized in that behalf, and any person who shall refuse admission to such
this or other person, after demand made, shall be subject to the penalties of'
(a) Cause an inspection to be made of all premises in connection 1JZ
with which a license is sought, and to ll!ake every enquiry, relative
to matters connected with the granting of' licenses requisite to
secure a du.e observance of the lawo
(b) Cause to be visited at least four times in the year all houses
and premises, the owners or occupants of' which are licensed under
this By-Law; to asceroain £'rom time to time, and as often as may be
necessary, whether the persons licensed under this By-La.w or any other
B:>-Law of the Corporation continue to comply with the provisions
?f By-laws, ''hether __ the premises licensed, continue to be maintain~
~n such a state as saul DY-laws reqlllre, and ~i the hoc<ses and
other premises licensed are well and orderly kept, •
. .
(c) Cause to be prosecuted all persons who shall of'l'end against any~
of the provisions of' the law or of this 3y-Law, whenever i1e shall
have knowledge of the same. · ..
(d) To make a report to· the Council of' all his proceedings and atrahs-~•
actions in the performance of his duties under thi·s once
year, and whenever else he shall be requi 1·ed by thfuscoGiiuncil so dJ.o do,
l~o person licensed under this 3y-Law shall
(a) permit or allow any disorderly person or anyone who keeps or
resides in any house Of ill fame or any prosti tu-,;e to resort to or
i'reqc>ent the building or premises in respect to which such person
is licensed;
(b l permit or allow any tipl;ling or gambling of' any kinCl to be carried
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on in, upon or in connection with saiei 'i:nl!iluing or premises;
{c) keep, place, maintaL1, permit or allow at, in, upon or in connection: th said building or. premises any ±'aro bank, rouge-et-noir, roulette table
other de··vice f'or gaming or gamUling.;
(d) ;ceep, place, maintain, permit or allow at, in, upon or in conneccion with
said building or premises any crane, slot or p~n-ball machine, incluai,1(; the ~
bag.atel~~ table -~ype, or. any other d.e\rice o~. a similar nature, u~t. not in~luuing/
merchand.1se vena1ng mach1nes, or games of SKlll operated by eleccr·1c ra,y from . p!_Y
which no chance re:,vard may be oiJtainedo /; (}
lOo The Council may rsvoke, at any time, any license issueu this By-Law o ~\. ..
11. c'fotice of the revocation of any license may be given by the Cle;rk of the
Corporation by ret_;istered. letter, mailed to. t.i1e Licensee at A~Lrora.-~ _ana upon such
notice the l'evolted..-shall cease and t 6l'Ji1ins:.Le and be of no frtrther effecto
12o Where a license is revoked. tlu;, Licensee shall be entitled to a re:fu.:nd of
a ]_Ja:rt of \ihe lic·e·n-se fee prOlJOrt :~one;. te to t11e unexpired part of the t erm,,,,for vihich
it was era.ritedo --~ ·. ' .
11he fee for any,. l,ic·ense issued this Ey-Lmv shall be
14. .Any person convicted of' a breach of 8:11Y of' ·the ;J!lrovisions of this :Jy-Law
s)lall forfeit and. pay, at the disc-retion of the Convicting lvlagistraLe, a pe:malty not
exceeding {exclusive of """" llolla>·s ( \1 ,._& } •
for each offenceo
Dateci at the Council Chanf:Jers this ;t_ day .of September, 1947,
Passed at the Council Ohmnlle:.c·s this -=-<( day of September, 1947,