MINUTES - Committee of the Whole - 19891106.-r""' MINUTES TOWN OF AURORA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING NO. 53-89 Victoria Hall Monday, November 6, 1989 7:30 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Councillor Jones in the Chair, Mayor West, Councillors Mcintyre, McKenzie, Pedersen, Stewart, Timpson (7:33p.m.). STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST Councillors Ochalski and Weller absent on Vacation. Chief Administrative Officer, Deputy Clerk, Treasurer. There were no disclosures of Interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, 1983. APPROVAL OF AGENDA #1. Moved by Mayor West Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Clerk's Department be approved as outlined herein. CARRIED DELEGATION Mr. Jack Boyes, 22 Webster Drive, Aurora re: a) Water Meters, b) Condition of Webster Drive Mr. Boyes addressed the Committee, providing his concerns with the published tentative course of action for proceeding with watermeter installation within the muni ci pa 1 ity. The effect the proposed costs would have on the senior citizens, the inequity in charging some residents a fee for meters while not charging others, and the proposa 1 to have the homeowner bear the cost for access, were all cited as reasons why the Town should reconsider the issue, and incur the costs directly. Mr. Boyes a 1 so ad vi sed the Committee of his concerns for the overall condition of Webster Drive. He indicated the street has received a relatively low level of maintenance over the 20 years his family has resided there. It was requested that Council give early consideration to performing some reconstruction works. The Mayor indicated in response, that Council were aware of the overa 11 condition of Webster Drive, and they were awaiting a submission from the Works Department, outlining the 1 i st of proposed 1990 projects, prior to making a determination as to which would be proceeded with. #2. Moved by Mayor West Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT Mr. Boyes's submissions to the Committee be received as information. CARRIED Aurora Committee of the Whole Minutes No. 53-89 Monday, November 6, 1989 - 2 - STAFF REPORTS CL89-034-342 -Garbage Screening By-law-Residential Properties #3. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT the Committee adopt the draft Garbage Screening By-law as prepared, and appended to the Report. REFERRAL -Upon the question of the adoption of the recommendation, it was: #4. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Timpson THAT the matter of the implementation of a By-law to screen garbage receptacles in res i denti a 1 areas, be referred back to staff for further clarification. CARRIED TR89-016-301 -Financing Residential Water Meter Installations #5. #6. Moved by Mayor West Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT the Town proceed with the installation of residential water meters in a manner which would provide: i) That all water meter deposits paid to date be returned to the current landowners of record; ii) That the Town proceed with the installation of water meters at no direct cost to the landowners, with the understanding that the landowners would, at their cost, expose the pipe and provide access to the installation crew. An exception would be provided to senior citizens and handicapped homeowners, whereby, upon request the Town would also incur the cost of exposing the pipe for the purpose of meter installation; iii) That installation of the residential water meters commence in .January 1990, and be fully completed by July 1, 1990; iv) That the billing be arranged in a manner so as to provide the landowners with a dummy bill, prior to actual charges being levied, in order to give a pre-indication of actual water costs, and to allow the homeowner an additional opportunity to rectify any internal plumbing problems; v) That a water charge scheme be developed based upon a constant rate method, without incorporation of a minimum flat rate ..-- charge; vil That the costs associated with the works outlined herein be borne wholly from the waterworks reserve fund. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT the Chief.Administrative Officer and Treasurer be requested to provide Council, at their November 15, 1989 meeting, supplementary information as to the viability of the implementation of an initial dual billing, and the financial implications of proceeding in the manner outlined in the Mayor's proposal. CARRIED (COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15, 1989, RECEIVED THE FOREGOING RECOMMENDATION AND CONSIDERED SAME UNDER THE UNFINISHED BUSINESS SECTION OF THE AGENDA.) Aurora Committee of the Whole Minutes No. 53-89 Monday, November 6, 1989 - 3 - TR89-020-343 -Water and Sewer Service Rates #7. Moved by Mayor West Seconded by Councillor Timpson THAT the implementation of a sewer service rate, on a surcharge basis calculated on water consumption take place without phase in, effective .January 1, 1991; THAT the charge for sewers be imposed upon only those receiving sanitary sewer servicing; That Council adopt the principle of life cycle costing based on the 50% Sinking Fund Method and that annual contributions be collected from water/sewer users as an integral part of the water and sewer Constant Rates; That special reserve funds be established for water and sewer life cycle cost contributions and that only replacement of water and sewer infrastructure be funded from these reserve funds; That all new water and sewer infrastructure constructed or assumed annually be incorporated into the life cycle cost recovery calculations. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS of Aurora Heritaqe Committee Members #8. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor McKenzie THAT cons i deration of the issues surrounding the Aurora Heritage Committee be deferred for an additional month. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS Councillor Mcintyre ADJOURNMENT #9. Moved by Mayor West CARRIED enquired about the removal of soils within the Coscan Subdivision in which chemical deposits were found to be present by the Ministry of Environment. whether the Municipal Office could initiate a program to recycle the waste office paper. The Chairman indicated this matter would be referred to the Purchasing Coordinator for follow-up. THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:15 p.m. CARRIED (THE MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING NUMBER 53-89 WERE CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 15, 1989, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF RECOMMENDATION NUMBER 5, WHICH WAS CONSIDERED UNDER THE "UNFINISHED BUSINESS" SECTION OF THE AGENDA.)