MINUTES - Special Council - 19901025MINUTES TOWN OF AURORA SPECIAL COUNCIL -PUBLIC PLANNING MEETING NO. 49-90 Boardroom York Region Board of Education Administrative Offices Thursday, October 25, 1990 7:30 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Mayor West in Chair; Councillors Jones, Mcintyre, McKenzie, Ochalski, Pedersen, Stewart, Timpson (7:36 p.m.) and Weller. STAFF MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST Municipal Clerk, Director of Planning and Senior Planner, Plans Administration. Councillor Jones declared a possible Conflict of Interest in Planning Applications OP-15-89; Z-40-89, submitted by Timberlane Tennis Club, due to membership in the organization, and left the Council Chambers for the duration of the discussion on the Applications. APPROVAL OF AGENDA #672. Moved by Councillor Ochalski Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT the content of the Agenda be approved as outlined herein, with the addition of the correspondence from the Queen's York Rangers Cadet Corps. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS The Queen's York Rangers Cadet Corps re: Request Permission to Hold Tag Day, October 27, 1990 #673. Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Stewart THAT permission be granted to The Queen's York Rangers Cadet Corps to hold a "Tag Day" on October 27, 1990, in the Town of Aurora. CARRIED PLANNING APPLICATIONS Councillor Jones left the Council Chambers. Mayor West advised that this meeting had been called as a Public Meeting for an application for amendment to the Official Plan for 610645 Ontario Inc. (Timberlane Tennis Club); OP-15-89, and for amendment to the Zoning By-law for 610645 Ontario Inc. (Timberlane Tennis Club); Z-40-89. The Pub 1 i c Meeting procedure and the opportunities avai 1 able for concerned residents to ask questions of the proponents of the applications scheduled for consideration were explained. Mayor West requested that any person wishing to receive Notice of the Passage of any of the proposed amendments should sign the forms ava i 1 ab 1 e before they leave the meeting. Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 49-90 Thursday, October 25, 1990 - 2 - The Clerk advised that the required Notices of Meeting for applications Z-40-89 and OP-15-89 were mailed in compliance with the Planning Act (1983) by First Class Mail to the addresses within 120 metres of the area as shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Town of Aurora to which the proposed By-laws would apply. The necessary signs were posted on the property in accordance with the rules of the procedure under the Planning Act (1983). Proposal OP-15-89 and Z-40-89 -610645 Ontario Inc. (Timberlane Tennis Club) The Public Meeting began with the Director of Planning reviewing the contents of Report PL90-140-332, prepared concerning the subject application. Applicant's Comments Mr. Brian Corbett reviewed with those in attendance the hi story of the application, the issues raised by the internal and external circulations and the merits of the proposal in the context of the overall surroundings. Mr. Howard Friedman then reviewed in detail the planning related aspects of the proposal, the details of the specific type of units to be constructed, their configuration and efforts already undertaken to minimize impact on the existing abutting development. The specific exceptions to the Zoning By-law being requested were highlighted and Staff concerns enumerated in the Report were addressed. Mr. Friedman requested Council instruct Staff to proceed with the required Official Plan Amendment and hold the Zoning in abeyance until the remaining Staff concerns are resolved. Public Concerns increase in density over current specific Official Plan provisions impact on the integrity of the Hazelburn subdivision traffic generation amount of and size of landscaping required to create an adequate visual buffer impact on property values precedent setting nature of decision insofar as Municipal services were concerned potential for similar higher density development in vacant lots within Hazelburn subdivision quadrant bounded by Yonge, Bayview, Vandorf and Bloomington predominantly 2 acre lots -their proposal a major departure drainage concern for adjoining lands plan with lower density may be appropriate for development vehicular noise impact on present living environment enjoyed by neighbours safety concern for the Yonge and Vandorf intersection The Public Meeting closed and Council's consideration began: #674. Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has expressed a provincial interest in the Oak Ridges Moraine area; AND WHEREAS the availability of because of pressure concerns, capacity may not exist; Municipal water can not be assured and the availability of sewage AND WHEREAS this proposal has a density which is too high for this part of the Municipality; Aurora Special Council -Public Planning Minutes No. 49-90 Thursday, October 25, 1990 - 3 - AND WHEREAS the Official Plan Amendment Application should be held until a more acceptable proposal can be achieved; THEREFORE be it resolved that the proposal by Timberlane Tenni~ Club be denied and that Applications OP-15-89 and Z-40-89 be rejected; AND FURTHER THAT the applicant consult further with the Ministry of Natural Resources and other concerned agencies in respect of the need for the Environmental Impact Analysis due to the expressed Provincial interest in the Oak Ridges Moraine. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT #675. Moved by Councillor Weller THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:58 p.m. CARRIED 0