BYLAW - Requiring the Closing of Drug Shops During Certain Hours REPEALED BY 1856~69 - 19460628 - 947~1946BY-LA':'/ l~Ui:IBJ!JR 9¥7 of' the l;'~unicil)a.l Gorporat ion of the Town of ..:iurorac -~·o· li:EXJJIR!}; THE OLOSIJ"l~ OF DHUU-GIS~S' SHOPS, JH1ilJIS1'S' SHOI='J, DhJG DISPENSE~rG SHOPS an•i DHLJG SUNDRY SH015S -DlRL>iG CER~l\:lilf HbUBSc 'JHEHEAS the :Factory, Sho.p and Office JJ"ailding Act p:covid.es that the Council of a City, ·i1 own or· Village Hay by B.y-Law requi::ce that d;_.u·ing the whole or any part or parts of the year all or any class ox· claosGs of sflops within the ... unicipali ty shall Oe closed and re:tn8.in closed on each or any day oi.' the ·aeelt at and during any time or hours betvreen six oi' the clock in the afternoon of any day anO. fi v0 of the clock .in the forenoon of JGhe follmvil;g day: 1 c .All shops of the follovling classes, :r.Ja.inel y, D:cuggi st s' shor)s, Oh.emist s 1 shops, Dl""J.g .Ui s-pensing 3hop~, and Drug Sundry S.hops \Vi thin the fov;n of Aurora shall throughout ~uhe year except on the days as specifit:~d in Colu..m1 I of the schedule be closed and shall re~aain closed on sach day of the '.'Jeek as set fofth in Oolurn.n I of' the Scheaule hereto betvmen the hoD.r set forth o:pposi te such day in GoluJ1i1 II of the sai dSched.ule and t~VJ.e hoal" set forth oppo si t·e sach day in Column III of the Said schedule c ColUllln I lv!o:uday, 1l 1 ue s day, "Ne dne sday, 1l1h\1r- sday except any of the said d.a.ys immediately preceding a Statutory holiday and except any such day in the tvvo vmet:s i:all!lediately lJre- cedi ng Ghri s tmas o J;!Tiday ,. except <iul~in~-; the t'.'JO weelcs immediately. precedill8 Ghri stiJlas day and 8/.Cept. any dey i1m11edia tely precedi.ng a Statutory holidayo Colwnn II 8 o 1 clocl<: in the ar·t ,sl':noon 9 o'clock in the afternoon I scheO.ule l~eferred to: Co Ttua.n II I 5 0 r cloclc in ~Gl1e forenoon of the next follm-ving d.ay" 5 o'clock in the forenoon of thb next Qay fol1o'.vin.ge Oolu_1JU1 I Saturday, except cturinr; the t1.vo \vee.l{s immediately p.r ecedi ng C.hr i straas day Each day preceding a Stat- utoTy holiday except -:;heli such Statlltol-..Y holiday occurs on ~iLo.aday and each day of the t,.vo weelcs im.wed- iate ly preceding Chri stma·s day, Column II 10,30 o'clock in the aft eino o :n 10,30 o'cloclc in the afternoono 5 ib'cloclc in tihe fo1·enoon of the next d2.y follmvingo 5 o l clocl{ in :f:"orenoon of the follo~.ving0 Every occupier or person in cna.rge of a shop of the class liJ.en- tioned in Section 1, shall close S-:lille and '£eep same closed as 1---equi:reci. by the provisions of tho-said Sectiono r( day:~(\~ Factory, clhop lnct Office :.i.'Jli s .dy-Lmv shall t alee eff'ect on the 1946, and shall be subject to the provisions of 'l'he Building Act, HocioOo 1937, Chaptel~ 194. and a1aen-dments theretoo 4, .Every person 1-vho cont:-cave~es a:qy of the }..JrovisiorlS of th;B·s .By- L-8:1N shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay, at th-:.~ riiscretion of 'Ghe convicting ma,;is~rate, a penalty not exceeo_ing (excle!sive of costs) the sum of _, . tJ ,. $50o00 fol~ each offence.., ~'\;._ 0~ Dated at the Council Ohmnbers, Aurora, this '1( day 1946, Passed at the Council Ohambers, Aurora, thiS day of' 1946, MAYOR