BYLAW - Requiring the Closing of Barber''s Shops During Certain Hours - 19460628 - 94446--~··-.......
JY-LA;; liUi.i.BJ,;,.q 9 .1./ "-f
ot' the Li'unic.t!J~ C.OJ:'lJOi'ation of the
1.i:O'.Vl1 of .. ~ar·o:rac
R£f'E.A.U:.o. s '" 9 ~ ..• : B'i -\..1\. \f\1 NO ...................... .
\VHEilliAS the Factory, Shop and Office Builcting .;~ct
I)l'Ovi"des that the Council of a City, Tmvn Ol' Village ~iilay by .By-Lw.~; req~ite
that during the v1hole or any part Ol'' par·~::o of the year all or aay class or
classes of shops '.Vi thir1 the i-.Unicipal i ty shall ·bG closed a:(ld.. remain ·closed
OD. each or any dey of' thO ','jeek at and dru•i c1g :J..:ny ~iiile or hou3's bet',~reen six
of t.i1e cloclr in til~ afternoon of <1ny d::ly and five of t:ne clock in trw forenoon
of' t'l1e folrowing day:
OJ:.' .. ~UBOIU E£,TACTS AS li0110'.'/S:
All ·.barbel's' Shops, within the IJ..'own of ... ::uro:ra, shall
throughout tl1e year, except on the days as sl:::ecified. in colwitll of the scheu~ule~
be closed and -shall re:uain closed on each day of the '.veek as set i'orvh in ·col-J . .l";m
l of the sCheci.ule her·eto be·t.,veen the hour set :forJGh opyosi te such day in colr.t.Iill1
Z of the saiu scheo.ule cmd the hoClr se.t forth opposite such day in column 3
of' the said scheci.uleo The following is the schedule l"'eferl~ed to:
Column 1
i:.'Iond.ay:, i'ue sc:tay, l.1hursda;y
and. Friday, except &"'ly
of the saili <lays immediately
prececUug a stai! _1tory .q.oliday
Wednesday. '
B:,ch day, excepting 7-lednesd.ay,
preceding a statuto.ry holid.ay
8 o'clock in the
lZ O~clock noon
10 o'clock in the-
10 o'clock in the
Uoll'wm 3
5 o':.:loc~c in the :forenoon
of th(1 ne~t follotNing day c
5 o' . .::lock in the f'o.renoo1:
of the next following day c
5 o' cl oclc in tile fo:r·enoo~1
of t.t1e ne:.-::t follo'Ning dayo
5 o' c:L o ck: in the forenoon
of th-:.: nee.t fall o~Ni11t:: Qaye
Bver·y CD cu~ie l' or r..x;;rson in chc.:.rge of a shop of the class
~.wsntioncd in Section i, shall close sa:!Ile and .Keep sa.n1e clO$ed. 9-S :cequir·ed by tile
p:covi sio:ns of thG saia Ssctiono
and shall be
-2 -
i'his By-Law shall talce effec"c on tne ~day o"'~ 1946,
subject to the provisions of .'he ~'ac~ory, Shop anu. u:t'lice ucliluinE ~
1937, ...,.!J.apte:r 194 and a1, the1·vtoo
By-Law ntu)j..-bel-, 759 and any other .3y-La'Ns 01' parts of I.)y-Lw,vs
si stent vd th thiS By-LaY.r a_re he:ceby :r·elJealedo
5o }Wery IJerson vvho cOntravenes a;ny of the provisions of this By-Law
sllall_, u_pou COLlviction thereof, forf'ei t o.nd lJay, at the discretion of the con-
victing,,ma;c;istrate, a penalty not exceeding ;exclusive of costs) the. sum o.t' ,;,50,00 /J ()•
for each o:t'fenceQ ~ '\
Dated at the Council Chambers, Aurora, this~ day Of
Passed at the Cr;>uncil Chambers, ~iuro.::ra; this day of'
' ' . I