BYLAW - Authorize Purchase of Parcels for Streets REPEALED BY 948~46 - 19460520 - 943~1946BY -LA'{:/ l~U.MBER of the Municipal dorpor Town of Aurorao of the BY-LAW TO AU~l_lHORIZ:8 PUB.CHASS OF PAitCELS }DR S~f.lREN.PS "Al\fD TO PROVIDE HART MAlifllFACTURI:~G (CANADA) LIMITED '."/Pl1H BUILDING SITE IN TH~ ~1 0'2.:.~-OF AUBOBAo \7HE.REAS Ao Lorne :Jousins has decided to subdivicie his I property campo sed of part of Lot 159, Plan 24&, and has agreed to sell to the Corporation certain parcels of ~he said. Lot· for street pu:cposes, such parcels being more particularly ciescri bed in Agreement elated ths 15th day of l.,iay, 1946o Al.li1l WJEREAS Hart Manufacturing l Canada) Limited requires a building site for purposes of erecting thereon a factory building and., since the erection of such a building on the easterly part of the said Lot will assist him in tile sale of his subdivision, the said A. Lorne Coctsins has agreed to convey to a Nominee of the Corporation the easterly six acres of the said Lot. Al'ID WHEREAS an agreement has been reached between the Cor- porati on and the Company for the conveyance to the Company of the said six acre parcel, less the north sixty-six feet (66') thereof, on the Company erecting a factory buildingo- THERI~FORE TH~~ IvFJHICIPllli COUl\fOIL OJ? 1'HE COHPOP.AlJ.'ION 01'1 111-:CB_ :i10WN 0 F AUll:ORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. That the Municipal Cor~oorat ion pay to the said A, Lorne Cousins the surn of Yifteen Hundred (()1500,00) Dollars, in consid.eration of obtaining a deed. or such other in"Strurnent or paper as will eff'ecti v1:;ly convey to the Cor- poration those parcels set forth in said agreement dateu the 15th day of May, 1946, and that the M9.yor anct Clerk be and they are hereby authorized ancJ. directed to execute such papers as shall be required for such purposes, "-----~--~·---.. I I ,~----·---,-, ~----·---"-'--. -2 - 2. That the iilayor and Clerk be and they are hereby a;.;.thorized and directed to execute on behalf of the Corporation tl1e said agreement with the Ha1·t Manuf'acturing (Canada) Limited dated the 15th day of ,Jay, 1946, Dated atthe Council Chambers, Aurora, this~ day of May, 1946, ·Passed at the Council Chambers, Aurora, this M day of "Jay, 1946. 2 MAYOR I •