BYLAW - Regulate Traffic on Highways - 19460304 - 93946.. ·'· 1-.,~., .. ~,"-··--~-··~~t·~.,.~,~~~~~~~~~--~----~~-~~~-~~-~~-~~--· --..._,, ~,·.,)-;-·-'\· . , . .,. .. , ' . • I /---------------.., BY-LAW NUl!BER ( f'_3' 9'_ of the Municipal Corp6'rati:¢ ofthe Town of Aurora. BY-LAW TO REGULATE TRAPFIC ON HIGHWAYS PART I -DEFINITIONS for the purpose of this By-Law. {a) "Intersection" means the. area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines or, if none, then of the lateral boundary lines of two or more roadways which join one another at an angle, whether or not one crosses the other. (b) "Park" means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading. (c) "Roadway" means· that part of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic. (d) "Sidewalk" means that part of a highway intended for the use of pedestrians and lying between the curb or boundary of the roadway and the. boundary of such highway. ( e ) "Stop'' means to cease moving when required by this By-Law or any other By-Law or Act, or when necessary to avoid conflict with .another vehicle or a pedestrian:, and "stopping" has a corresponding , meaning. (f) "Street or Highway" includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, sqaare, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles. (g') "Traffic Officer" means a police officer or any person duly authorized by the Chief Constable to direct or regulate traffic or enforce the provisions of this by-law and The Highway Traffic Act. (h) "Traffic Sign" means any sign or roadway, curb or sidewalk marking or any other device erected or placed under the mthority of the Town Council for the purpose of guiding and directing traffic. (i) "Traffic Signal" means any device manually, electrically, or mechanically operatea·for the regulation or control of traffic. ( j) ''U-(~)urn" means the turning of a vehicle within a roadway so as to proceed in. the opposite dir.ection. j \ -I ! \ I I, -2- (li::) "Vehicle" includes motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine and any vehicle drawn, propelled, or driven by any kind of power, including lllUscular power, but not~_including the care of electric or steam railways running only upon rails. PART II -OBEDIElvCE TO TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 1. It shall be the duty of the Ghief Constable and every Traffic Officer to enforce the provisions of this b~-Law. 2. Every person on any highway shall promptly obey every ~'raffic Officer and Traffic signal and shall, where applicable, comply with the requirements of every traffic sign. PART I II -PARKil'IG 3. Method of Parking ( 1) Parallel No person shall park a vehicle on any street other than a one-way street unless on the right-hand side of the street, having regard for the direction in which the vehicle had been proceeding and un- less the right-front and right-rear wheels or runners of the vehicle ~- are parallel to and distant respectively not more than six inches ~ from the edge of the roadway, provided that this provision shall not apply where angle parking is specifically authorized by by-law. .~ (2) Angle Where angle parking is permitted, no person shall park a vehicle except at an angle of forty-five degrees with the edge.of the road-d way and so that the front end of the vehicle is nearest to ~he edge of the roadw!l\V. ----· -··------·~----------.. -·--·-···-~-·-.. -". Parking Prohibited ~ In specified places f No person s~l park a vehicle in any of the following places: On a sidewalk. In front of a public or priva'te dri veW!l\Vo. Within an intersection. Within ten feet of a fire hydrant. On a crosswalk. Within t20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection. On any bridge, or the approaches thereto. On any street in such a manner as to obstruct traffic. & In such a posit ion as will prevent the convenient removal of any obher vehicle previously parked or standing. ?-i ... --t--·- _,, _) '. : ,, .. 3- (2) In specified Places where Signs an display When :properly worded signs have been erected and are on display, no person shall park a vehicle .in· fm.y of the following places: - Within fifty feet of any in.tersection on any through highway. Within twenty-five feet of the lot on which a fire hall is located on d that side of the street on which such fire hall is located or within one ,· . hundred feet of such lot on the opposite side of said street. t PART IV -OPERATION OF VEHICLES 6. Turns ~- (l) Every person in charge of a vehicle before star:l;:iug,stopping,tuming or changing its course shall take the necessay :preCllllo.tions to make such movement in safety and without i~terfering with other traffic. (2) No driver or operator of a vehicle shall make au-turn at the intersection of Yonge and Wellington Streets and no driver or operator of a vehicle shall elsewhere make a u.;.turn unless it can be made in safety and without interfer'ii'rg' with other traffic. Obstructing Traffic Q~ . @- No person shall drivel\any vehicle upon or along any .highway so as to obstruct traffic unreasonably or when the vehicle is so overloaded that the horse or motor :power is unable to move such vehicle at a reasonable rate of speed. 7. Entering Highway ~. The driver of a vhlicle emerging from a dr&veway, lane, lot or building d shall stop the vehicle imlllediately prior to driving onto the sidewalk and shall not enter the roadway until he can do so in safety. e. Funeral and other Processions (l) No person shall intersect a funeral or other properly authorized .procession while it is in motion except under the direction of a police officer. \ ' (2) The driver of a vehicle in. a funeral or oth. er procession shall drive ~· . as near to the right-hand edge of the roadway as practicable and follow the · vehicle ahead as close as is practicable and safe. : ~· · PART V -PENALTIES 9. Any :person violating any of the provisions of this by-law shall be subject to a penalty of not more than Ten Dollars ($lo.oo) for the first offence and not. more than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for every subsequent offence~· . exclusive of costs, and all such penal ties shall be recoverable under the · .. Ontario Summary Convictions Act. · ... ·· • •$\ !1 "2.e · k r. '""f i;,f (~ \~'-''"'*·~~-~ . ' \ •'''"''•?%. • \' ~,. ... ~.,.._ -(j ' \ .~ ,, ....... . ' . .... ' _, - 4 - PART VI 10. Ontario Highway 'iraffic Act to Govern The provisions of this by•law shall be subject to the provisions · "' /J of The Highway Traffic Act and amendments thereto. /{;yl"' • Inconsistent provisions of any By-laws repealed Any provisions or clause' of any by-laws inconsistent with any pro-·, /) • visions or clause" of this by-law' is hereby repealed. M\ 12. This by-law effective This by-law ~hall not ,of Highways and until and are on display. become effective until approved by the Departme4t··· the signs referred to herein have been erected Dated at the Town Hall"; Aurora, this /j'rH day of /f/lfC/1' 1946. Passed at the To\vn Hall, Aurora, this .L1f 1946. dayof ('~ MAYOR CLERK Al3ffl?QVOO this :;2_ 'f day of ~9"1 {,. Pursuant t.o the provisions of the Highway Traffic A;~~ MJiiUSTER OF' HIGHWAYS • /