MINUTES - Council - 19160117i / \, . ' !' ,,.,.,. S E C 0 N D M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L FOR 1916 The second meeting of the Council for the year was held in "the Council room on Monday January 17th at eight P.M. All the Members being present. The Mayor in the chair. The minutes of the previous meetin,g were read and adopted. A communication was received from the Secretary of the Salvation Army re grant for Charitable purposes. The Chairman of the Striking Committee presented the following repd'rt,.·,: .Y :- ·Finance,. Hulse, Andrews and Ross. Fire & Water, Bassett, Hancock, Hulse and Knowles. Light, Crockart, Bassett, Hancock and Knowles. Road & Bridge, Knowles, Hancock, Andrews and Hu.Lse. By-laws, Ross, Bassett and Crockart. Property, Andrews, Ross and Crockart. Your Committee reccomend the first named to act as Chairman tne Mayor to be Ex Officio Member of all committees,all of which is respectfully ii!Ubmi tted for your consideration. Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Andrews that the report of the Striking Committee be and the same is nereby accepted and adopted. Carried. Moved by Mr Crockart seconded by Mr Hancock that the Clerk be instructed to vrrite to the Chairman of the Compensation Board regarding particulars of said act. Carried. Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Hulse that the Mayor and Reeve and Counci.l..Lor Hancock be 'a Committee to see Mr Cram ie Constable duties as to being under By-law the same as Fisher Dunham. Carried. / '··-· Second Meeting con!;inued. Moved by Mr Hancock seconded by Mr Crockart that the Clerk be instructed to purchase the neccessary Supplies for the Assessor also Truat!l; Book. Carried. Bills were received from the following persons namely:- The Toronto & York Radial Ry. Co. (Power for Dec. ) do (freight-) Ferratlti Electricial Co. ( 10 Meters ) Elec,;ricity Inspection Service (inspec-cing meters) Municipal World (Election supplies) Samuel George (lumber) J. Fleurys Sons (plow hatldles) Bert Lloyd (teaming) $493.53 3. 48 75.00 6. 00 8.00 2. 95 • 50 48.50 Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Hatlcock that the following accoun:ts be paid atld that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same atld that the seal of the Corporation te attached to this r~esolu i.ion, Namely:- The Toronto & York Radial Ry. Co. Do Ferran"ti Electricial Co Electricity Inspection Service Municipal World Samuel George J. Fleurys Sons Bert Lloyd Carried. $493. 53 3. 48 75.00 6.00 8.00 2.95 .50 48.50 Council theu adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor. / ' '