MINUTES - Council - 19150308I
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T VT E L F T H M E E T I N G 0 F T H E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 1 5.
The twelfth mee:ting of the Council was held in the council room on
Monday March 8th.
The following members were present, Mayor Baldwin, Councillors Andrev1s,
. '!' Bassett, Crockart, Hulse, Hancock, and Murray. The Mayor in the chair.
The MrurraJteS:Jot:.rtl::/w~1.8£t meeting were read and adopted.
eonununications were received from Fisher Dunham, G. A. Stimson and one
in reference to a bill now before the Local Legislature re.taxation.
Moved oy Mr. Bassett seconded oy Mr. Murray that the resignation of
Fisher Dunham be accepted, out in doing so we feel that they are .Losing
a very efficient man,one who has filled his position to the entire
satisfaction of the Council.
We also commend him for his Patriotic spirit in harkeningto the call
of his Country to take up arms to fight for King and E1npire, and that we
give him twenty five dollars as a farevrell gi:ft, and the Mayor is hereoy
authorised and instructed to issue an order oll the Treasurer for the
same and the seal of the Corporation oe attached to this resu.Lution.
Moved oy Mr. Crockart secouded by Mr. Hancock that the Clerk oe auth
orised to prepare a By-la~r appointing Allan Langma.tl Assessor 1t.l, place
of Fisher Dunham vrho has resigned.
Bills 1:ere received from the fo.Llvl:ine, persons:-
J.F.Willis supplies for oattries &:co.
Bell Telephone Co. conversations
A. A. Conover supplies
B. F, Davis coal Tolin Hall
Northern .Electric Co. supplies
Moved by Mr. Bassett seconded by Mr. Hulse that that the following
accounts be paic and that the Me.yor issue orders on the Treasurer
for the same a.tld that the seal o·f the Corporation be attached to
this resolution Namel~-~
---... --.----. -" _j
Twelfth meeting for 1915 continued.
Bell Telephone Co.
A. A. Conover
B. F. Davis
Northern Electric Co.
1. 50
The Couucil then went iuto of the whole to confer with a deputation
from the Collie Cockrill Co.in reference to granting them a bonus
in lieu of their loan, to reorganise their Company under a nevr management.
·council then adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.