MINUTES - Council - 19150219') '-..../ NINTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR 1915 Th.e ninth meeting of the 6ouncil for 19lq \vas helC. in the Coun- room on Friday evening Feb. 19th. The following members being present:-narnely Mayor BalC.win Reeve Knowles,and Councillors Andrews,Bassett, Croc~art, Hancock an C. Murray. The Mayor in the chair. Council went into committee of the whole to consider the specifications for improving the Town Hall. Mr. .AnC.rew s in the chair. Committee rose vri thouct r:eportir1g .. progress. Mr. nH. Lennox and Mr. G~L. Alexander were heard in reference to Collie Cockrill~..-,Coso; bonus. Moved by· M:r. I\tlowl:es .. se.conded by Mn .Andrevrs .c • that the Mayor and Councillors Basse<:~, Murray, and Crucka.rt, be a committee to investigate the Collie Cockrill Cos. proposition re. the submission of a By-lavr to the ratepayers re.the changing of the present loan By-law to a bonus By-law and report to the next meeting of this Council. Carried. Council then adjuurned to meet at the call of the Mayor. / Jj. ,#en~~