MINUTES - Council - 19150118,.,, 4 T H I R D M ~B T T N G 0 F T HE C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 19ili5. The third meeting o!· the Council for 1915 was held on IlionO.ay evenirg January 18th. the !"allowing memr bers being present viz:- Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles and Councillors Andrews, Bassett, Croob:rt, l:lailcock, Hulse and Murray, the Mayor being in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. The Committee formed at the first meeting of tl'l.e Council , to strike the Standing Committees made the following report viz:- To the Mayor and Council of the Tovm of Aurora Gentlemen:- Your Co=ittee appointed to strike the Standing Com::ittee beg leave to report as follows- ........__···· 1. They decided to incorporate what was the Waterworks Comr:;ittee under a new head to be known as Fire and 'iiater Comr;:i ttoe. 2. After due deliberation, they decided to submit the followiJ¥!: names as the members or· the din·erent comrdttees, the i"irst named to act as Chairman of the Committee. jfJI'JANCE Hulse, Andrews and Hancock. F I R E & 'ii A T E R :-Bassett, Murray and Hulse. L I G ll T :-Crockart, Bassett and l>lurray. R 0 A D & B R I D G E :-Murray, l:lulse and Andruws. B y L A 71 S Hancock, Bassett and Crockart. P R 0 P ~ R T Y:-Andrews, Hancock and Crockart. The Mayor and Reeve to be Ex Oi"ficio Membersc·of all vommi ttees. All of which is respectfully submitted for your consideration. Moved by ;ry. J. Bassett, seconded bt T .J:LlL Hulse that the rEl[lort of the Striking IJommittee re the Standing Committees for the year be and the same is hereby accepted. Bills were received from the following persons Stiver J;lros.' Coal 7:atcrworks A. Butcher do Town Hall M.L. Andrews Lumber N. Harmon, l day's Labor drying Hose S.H. Lundy Clerk Expense Carried. 9.~60 4.00 13.58: 2.00 2.75 i j I ! -5- Third meeting for 1915 continued. Bell Telephone Co. Conversations do Rent Corporation do Rent , \'laterworks Aurora ilardware Stickney Coal Co. C .A. Petch, Pos.tage and l!'reight Edwin Johnson, 3 Toise Stone r,LC. Johnson 4 do do Grand Trlink Railway, Rent Metropolitan Railway, Freight Grand Trunk Ry. Freight on Pipe Municipal '7.'orld, Election Expenses Returning Officer, Election Expenses Edith Shavv, engrossing resolution etc. B.F .Davis, ·.vood B.F. Davis, Drawing Coal Canadian Allis Chalmers -Balance Banner Press do Collie Cockrill Uo. Northern Electric Gas and Electric Service Decemoer Toronto & York Radial Ry. Account .90 5.00 5.00 8.59 55.69 3.08 17/25 22.00 50 2.95 3/86 7.66 30.50 16.50 4.25 12.37 2.00 1.25 117.05 37.41 31.80 6.00 469.25 Moved by Jas. Crockart, seconded by A . .t:. Hancock that the follow- ing accounts be paid and the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the seal of the corporation be attached to this resolu1ion. Stiver Bros. A/ Butcher M.L. Andrews N. Harmqn s.n. Lundy Bell Telephone Co. Aurora Hardware ."'-, 9.60 4.00 13.58 2.00 2.75 10.90 8.59 A I \ .I /j i·J ·-'l i J \ ,) : ~ l I I ' -7- Thira Meeting for 1915 continued. Moved by W.J. Bassett, seconded by Jas/ Crockart that the Clerk be ,and he is hereby authorized and instructed to advertise by-law No. 398 three months in the Aurora Banner and the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried Moved by A.E. Hancock ,seconded by Jas. Crockart that the Reeve be instructed to redeem land(Powder I.ot l sold ror taxes by Township of Whitchurch for Taxes and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this Resolution. Carried. lioved by W .J. Knowles, seconded by A. Murray that the Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to sell the Town's share in the Typewriter to Mr/ S.H. Lundy for the sum of Twenty Five Dollars or the Town will give Mr/ Lundy $25.00 for his share in the above mentioned Type.:. writer and the seal of the Corporati:m be attached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by W.J. Knowles, seconded by A. Murray that the Road & Bridge Committee be and they are hereby instructed to purchase what stone they· may deem advisable to be used on the streets of Aurora. Carried. Moved by W.J. Bassett, seconded by T.H.M. Hulse thatthe request of Robert Sandfo.rd asking for the refund 0f dog tax for 1914 (said dog having been diposed of early in the year)and that Mr/ Petch be relieved of collecting same and the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Moved by W.J. Bassett, seconded by T.H.M. Hulse that the Property Qommittee be instructed to take steps to have an office fixed up for the Clerk. Said Committee to report their plans to this council at its next meeting. Carried. Moved by W.J. Knowles, seconded by W.T. Andre"'s that the Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to have a number of copies of the rules of the Council printed and a copy presented to each member of the Council. Carried. Council then adJourned to meet at the call of the Mayor. _,.-11>. --- . ' ~'>J -_:; <j ;:. 1 ,. l;-'-..._! I I I k -6- Third Meeting for 1915 Continued. Stickney Coal Co. C.A.Petch Edwin Johnston M. u. Johnson Grand Trunk Ry. Metropolitan Ry. Grand 1'runk Ry. Municipal \'iorld Returning Oi'ficer Ed.i th Shaw .tl.J!·. llavis Canadian Allis Chalmers Banner .i?ress Collie Cockerill Co. Northern Electric Gas and Electricty Service Toronto & York Radial Ry. • 55.69 3.08 17.25 22.00 50 2.9b ;?.86 7.6G .?0.50 16,50 16.62 2.00 118.30 37.45 31.80 6.00 469.25 Moved by fl. J. Ba.ssett, seconded by A .E. Hancock that the act ion of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following bills be and the same is hereby confirmed and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. G,T.Ry. A. Yule Freight on coal Duty on Coal Oj Whitesides, Breaking 2 Toise stone L. Rhinehart Geo/ Simpson do 2 do Breaking stone H.E. Proctor Post Cards, W.W. do Mrs/ Ritchie .r~onth' s service re King Family Infant's Home, Maintenance King Children, 1 nos. Moved by Jas/ L;rockart , seconded by A.E. Hancock that 88.68 21.73 14.00 14.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 the Electric Light Committee be are and hereby instructed and authorized to take such steps HS they deem advisable,t.!)wards reducing rates re Electric System and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this res- olution. ~_A.~~ # ·-c--~-~--~~ .-~~---=----~· . '(1