MINUTES - Council - 19140803'"':"" _r----. r - ' 'i ~'-- "''" FIFTEENTH MEETING 0 F THE C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 1 4. The fifteenth meeting of the Council for 1914 was held in the Clerks office on Monday evening August 3rd, the following members being present, viz Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles and Councillors Bassett, Crockart, Coulter, Murray and Slilsman. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communications were received from the following persons;- R. W. Phillips, County Clerk giving the amounts required to be assessed for for county purposes as follows ;- General Purposes Industral Rome Court Rouse Debenture Account Total $1195.44 146.80 85.70 11427;94 From the secretary of the High and Public Schools giving the Amount required to be assessed for as follws High School Public School $2500.00 6500.00 Bills were received and read from the following persons. Viz A. G.·Lloyd, teaming electrical supplies A. G. Lloyd/ work on road and carting Bell Telephone Company; rent and conversations E. J. Rothwell, electrical supplies Towns & Norris, canvas for sidewalk F; E. York, chemicals for battery Chas Cook, .carting A. R. Williams Machinery Co, bal of account Jas Whimpster & Co, canvass for sidewalk James Robertson & Co, pipes ,_,., ' " $6.00 170.70 7.05 .75 4.6o 85 2.25 1.80 2.60 40.01 ;,.-.;. ""' ~ .~ Fifteenth Meeting Continued Moved by Mr Sisman seconded by Mr Bassett that the following accounts be paid that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal o~ the Corporation be attached to this resolution, 1L G. Lloyd do Bell telephone Company E. J. Rothwell Towns & Norris :r .E. York Chas Cook A. R. Williams Machinary Co Jas Whimster & Co James Robertson & Co Carried. $6.00 ' 170.70 7.05 .75 4.50 85 2.25 1.eo 2.60 40.01 Moved by Mr Sisman seconded by Mr Bassett that the Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to notify the Solicitor three to have the ]Qd:lllD Local Improvement Bylaws recently passed submitted and ptresented to the Ontario Railway Board for ratification and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution Carried. Moved by Mr Sisman seconded by Mr Bassett that the Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to notify by written notice, the Collie Cockerill Co the due date of their Debenture and request that they provide for the payment of the same when due. Carried. Moved br Mr Bassett seconded by Mr Sisman that the request of the Underhills Limited for a reduction of their water rate be granted as they are now using Electric Power and that the report of the waterworks Committee be and the same is hereby amended by reducing the rate per annum from $50.00 to $$40.00 per annum and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Council adjourned to meet at the c~~~