MINUTES - Council - 19140512(
E I G H T H M E E T I N G 0 F THE C 0 U N C I L F 0 R
1 9 1 4.
The eighth meeting of the Couneil fer 1914 was held on 'hesday
Evening in the Ceunoil Reom May 12th, 1914· the following members
being present, viz;-Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles and Councillors
Bassett, Coulter , Murray and Sisman, the Mayor in the Chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed.
Communications were received and read from
Canadian Allis-Chalmers, Limited, re instalation of the
Electric Pumping Plant and asking for a cheque for half of
the eontraot price according to contract.
From the General Hospital notifying the Council of the
admission to that institution of Robert Paterick claimimg
to be a citizan of Aurora and that the town would be held
responsible ·for his maintenahce at one dollar per day as
long as he remains in the hospital.
Petitions were received from H. E. Proctor and seven others
asking for the construction of a four foot cement sidewald
on Connaught avenue on the frontage frontage system.
Bills were received from the following
.rrbe E1 ec+rjeal 1d~i:ataa8;11ec and repal± eo f55a.90
James Robertson Coy? 96.25
Toronto and York Radial Railway, Electrical current $803.88
British American Oil Co/ road oil $468.16
F. Dunham constable fees for July 1st 1913 1.50
B. Lloyd do 1.50
F. Dunham dG ect 31 1913 1.00
A. R • Langman do de 1.00
The above accounts were laid over until next meeting.
Moved by Mr Sisman seconded by Mr Murray that the following
accounts be paid that the Mayor sign an order on the Treasurer
for the same and that the seal of the uorporation be attached
to this resolution.
Rev G. S. Despard iaxxi:Riitx $15.25
,,-~ ..
Eighth Meeting Continued.
Bell Telephone Co
B. F. Davis
James Morrison & Co
A. R. Williams Machinary Co
Moved by Mr Sisman seconded by Mr Murray that the Action of the
Mayor in signing an order for the payment of eight hundred
dollars to theb Toronto and York Radial Railway on account of
Electrical current supplied to this Corporation by said Company
Be and the same is hereby confirmed. and that the seal of the Cor
poration be attached te this resolution.
Moved by 111r Bassett seconded by Mr Sisman that the request of
'l'he Canadian Allis Chalmers Company, Limited re payment on
pumps be left in the hands of the ~lectric Light Committee and
that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to
issue an order on the Treasurer for the payment of the amount
coming to said 6ompany as per agreement and that the seal of the
Corporation be attached to this resolution.
The Road and Bridge Committee made the following report.
To the Mayor and Council of the Town of Aurora in Council
The standing Committee on R0ads and Bridges respec
tfully recommend the following work to be done this year.
lst. A four foot cement sidewalk to be laid 0n the west side ef
Fleury Street frem the end. of the present walk north ilia Maple
Street , Same to be laid on the £frontage system
2nd. A four foot Cement sidewalk to be laid on the west side of
Yonge Street from Dr Hillarys north to Mr Hagues gate.
3rd. A four l:!'oot cement sidewalk on the west side of Machell
Avenue· from l11Ir J!'orsyths north to Mrs Baguleys property and a
·crossing opposite Mr Harpers.
.Lighth Meeting Continued
A four foot vement sidewalk on the·,· south side of Mete alf strdlet
from Victoria street east to Berczy street and on the north side
of Metcalf street from Larmont Street east to west side of Mr s.
Georges property, walk to be laid outside or trees.
of Larmont Street
lth, A four foot cement sidewal~ on east sidewaik from Mosley
street south eo Metcalf Street.
6th• A four foot cement sidewalk on the east side of Yonge stret
from Mr Dunnings south to Fred Boyntons property.
7th, A four foot cement sidewal~ on the north side of Tyler
Street from the west siue of lldr J. Woodrows property to the west
side of George Street
8th. A four foot cement sidewalk on the south side of Tyler St
from Walter Machells west to west side of Mr M. McLeans property
and two crossings on tyler street.
9th? A feur foot cement sidewalk on south side Lepper Street frem
Mr Alexanders property west to Mr Lawsons house and crossings.
the same to be laid on the frontage system.
lOth, A four foot cement sidewalk on the north side of Centre st
from the end of the present walk east to the Grand Trunk tracks.
11th. A four foot cement sidewalk on the south side of Kennedy
street ~rom Yonge street west to Temperance street.
12th. A four foot cement sidewalk on west side of Mill street
north till Wil:Liam Mcleods property.
13th The following streets to be graded. Ross Street. The hil
on Temperance street, Tyler Street on top of hill? also Lepper St.
14 Your Cemmittee would also recommend the opening of George Street
north to Wellington street. All of which is respectfully submi
tted. Signed w. J. Knowles.
CKairman of Committee.
Eighth Meeti~g Continued.
On motion Council went into Committee of the whole on the repot
Mr Knowles in the chair.
committee rose and recommended the adoption of the report
Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Coulter that the Road
and Bridge committee be and they are hereby instructed te have
the work completed as recommended in the report of the Road and
Bridge Committee and passed by this Council and that the seal ef
the Carporation be attached to this resolution.
Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor ~ Pr ~\_.:.~A. L---7.:<~
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