MINUTES - Council - 19140119{ ,.; . ~Ji! I -~~, .... ~--;:;~! ,: :.._ __ ._ , --~ ·--""' • .-,'.'j,l..);,~, ·····~-o-q ,-,-,"-. •,\-~-'--•-H -'--5--- SECOJ\TD M E E T I N G 0 F THE C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 1 4. The seconl meeting of the Town Council for 1914 was held on Monday evening January 19th, the following members being present, Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles, and Councillors Bassett, Crockart Coulter, Hulse, Murray and Sisman. The Mayor in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The Committee formed at the last meeting of the Council to strike the standing Committees made the following report;- To the Mayor and Council of the Town of Aurora;- Gentlemen;- Your Committee appointed to strike the Standing Committees beg leave to report as follows;- ROADS & BRIDGES. Messers Knowles, Murray and Coulter. WATER WORKS Messers BAssett, Hulse and murray. FIRE. Messrs Murray, Hulse and Sisman. FINANCE 1ibesser·s Sisman, Knowles and Crockart. Li!J]i!IJ. Messers Crockart Sisman and Bassett. BYLAWS Messers Hulse, Crockart and Coulter. PROPERTY. Messers Coulter/ Bassett and Knowles. . --;1":~ On motion Council went into committee of the whole on the report Mr Coulter in the chair and on rising confirmed the report and recommended the first named on each Committee should be chairman of the Committee. The report along with the recommendation was adopted by the Council • j I (\ ~ ! '\--~ ----6--- Second Meeting continued The following bills were again presented;- J. F. Willis, supplies for fire alarm Stiver Bros, coal for town hall R. J. Scanlon, food for tramps Aurora Rardwar_e Co, sundries Samuvl George, lumber Bell Telephone Co, rent and conversations Louis Rhinehart/ care taking market hall Louis Rhinehart, distributing bills re bylaw Banner Press, printing and advertising 4' '"'4.60 5.75 1.43 9.87 3.84 7.75 2.50 1.25 59.84 Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by l'!lr Sisman that the following bills be paid that the Mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of the C.orporation be attached to thlts resolution Louis Rhinehart Louis Rhinehart Banner Press Carried. $2.50 1.25 59.84 Moved by Mr Sisrnan seconded by ~;;r Hulse that the following bills be referred to the finance co=ittee;-·Viz J. F. Willis Stiver Bros R. _J. Scanlon Aurora Hardware Co Sam George Bell Telephone Carried. 4.60 5.75 1.43 9.87 3.84 7.75 Moved by Itr Crockart seconded by Mr Coulter that the Mayor and Councilors Bassett and Hulse be a cornrni ttee to interview. the Collis Leather Company Re the emplo;Yment of outside labor and report at the next meeting of this Council Carried. llloved by Iv!r Bassett seconded by ISr Sisman that the road and bri dge committee be and they are hereby authorized and instructed to purchase 8 or 10 toise of stone for the roads as cheap as possible Carried. ·-·-·".~1":·;:~;--~"------·~~---·--· ,-/'""~~\ ' _/.I" (, '.,./ ---7--- Second Meeting·Continued Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by Mr Murray that the time for the return of the Collectors roll be extended until the First Day of March next. Carried. Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by ~r Crockart that the Collector be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to proceed to collect all outstanding taxes and that the Clerk notify him to that effect Carried. Moved by: Mr Bassett seconded by Hr Crockart that the members of the Road and Bridge Committee and the J,[ayor be appointed a com mitee to attend the Meeting of the Provincial Highways Commission of the Province of Ontario at the Parliament Buildings Toronto on Thursday January 22nd 1914. Carried. Council Adjourned to meet at the Call of the liiayor. ;;;, ,::; ':i