MINUTES - Council - 19131002EIGHTEENTH MEETING 0 F T R E C 0 U N C I L F 0 R 1 9 1 3 The eighteenth meeting ef the Council was held in the Council Room en Tuesday Evening October 2nd, the following members being p~esent Namely, Mayer Baldwin, Reeve Knewles and Ceuncillers Brewning, r;_;, Andrews, Creckart, Hulse and Sisman. Tho Mayer in the chair A Petition was received from Mark Brewning and nino ethers asking te have a four feet cement sidewalk en pertiens af Catharine Avenue and Fleury Streets. Cemmunicatiens wore received and read from;- T. H. Lennox re removal ef offices situated en Bercy Street. The Ontario Meter League re placing signs at the beundrys of the Corperatien warneng motorists of rate ef speed. Mrs James McCla~skey claiming $40.00 of her dwelling by the burstin* ef a sewer on Yonge Street. The ~[aya~r of the City of Terenh asking the Ceunoil te send a deputatia~n to ccmsult with the City Ceuncil re the Metrepelitan Area to be held en Wednesday October 22nd in the Ceunoil Chamber in the City Hall Terento. Bills were received and read from;- A. R. Williams Company, rotary pump fer Oil; Canadian Allis-Chambers, hydrants Positive Clutah & :Pulley Works, repairs J. Fleury;s Sons, work Samuel G.eerge, lumber fer sidewalks A Mo!wane, repairs F. E. York, Vitrol & at G. A. Lloyd, work on street J, F. Richardson, Gravell Mack Sacks, work on street Luke Holman, gravell Luke Helman, work en street T. A. Ramer, repair parts en read maahine Bell Telephone Ce, rent and conversations T.R. Lennox, legal advice from Aug. 9th 1910 $25.00 96.00 .87 18.78 20.57 1.50 2.10 62.00 25.00 6 •. 85 29.75 57.75 5.00 6.94 265004 ( Eighteenth I'Ieeting ef the Council Maved by Mr Sisman seconded by Mr Hulse that the following acc eunte be paid that the !,CayGr issue Orders en the Treasurer for the same and that the sael of the Corporation be attached to this A. R. Williams Machinary Co ' Canadian Allis -Chambers Pasitiv11 Clutch and Pulley Works J. Fleury's Sons Sam GeGrge A Mc1J/ili.1ilane F. E. Yerk G • A. Lltilyd J, F. Richard sen Mack Sack Luke Helman Luke Helman T. A. Ramer Bell Telephone Ce Canada Metal Ctll T. H. LennCilx Carried $25.00 96.00 .87 18.75 20.57 1.60 2.10 62.00 25.00 6.85 29.75 57.75 5.00 11.35 6.94 265.04 Moved by Mr Rm1wles sec~mded by Mr Andrews that the Clerk be and he is hereby instructed te order two cars of crushed stene from the llagersvill$ Construction Cempany of Hagersville til be placed ®n WellingtGn strut East and that the seal ef the Cerp0ratien be attached to this reselutien Carried• Moved by J,1r Knewles secended by ~Jlr Andrsws that the peti ti®n of Mr Mark Brewning and nine others fer a feur foot cement sidewald en the south side of Catharine Avenue frem Spruce Street east te tho eastern boundry ef Mr Mark Brewnings prmperty and en the Nmrth side ef Catharine Avenue 'from Spruce Street •ast te the eastern b&undry &/E Far Nerman Eads Pmoeperty and en Fleury street • west side, f111em Catharine Avenue north te the nerthern beundry ef Mr John Brewns preperty be granted, the work to be done en a frontage tax and '-.,.,- Eighteenth meeting of the Council Continued that the Road and Bridge Committee be and they are hereby instructed to have tho work cempleted as s0on as pessible and that the seal of the Qorperation be attached te this resolution Carried. A communication was received from C. W. Widdifield en behalf of Mr w. C. Willis. netifying the Cliluncil that ho objected te the sidewalk being constructed on the south side of his property en C.atharine Avenue en the FrGntage tax plan. Ceunoil adjourned t111 meet at the call of the May111r.