MINUTES - Council - 19120406)
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The twelfth meeting of the Council for the year 1912 was held
in. the Council Room on Monday Evening April 6th, the following
members being present;-Namely, Mayor Baldwin, ~eeve Knowles
and Councillors Bassett, Browning, Conover, Davis, ;,~anning and
Mitchell, the Mayor in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed•
A communication was received from Mr A. E. Machell asking to
have his Livery License transferred to Filkin Brothers.
The Clerk stated the Assessment Roll for the present year had
been retu~ed to him by the Assessor.
Accounts wewe received from the following persons;-
Toron~o and York Radial Railway freight on pipes
Registrar of North York, registering bylaw & Agreement 6.14
Moved by Mr Mitchell seconded by Mr Manning that the ~,\a;yor issue
orders on the 'Creasurer forithe payment of the following bills
and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution
Toronto and York Radial Railway
Registrar of North York
$1. 6'1
' The Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee made the following
We your Committee beg leave to recommend the following
work to be done this present year;-
lst. Nww four foot cement sidewalk on the East side of Spruce
Street from liTaple street l>orth to end of :'ltreet.
2nd. A new four foot cement side on the east side of Yonge street
from :;aple street north to ;.\rs Watsons house.
3rd. Reuben Street to be graded and that H. D. Lundy be instructa
to remove all the gass refuse from the south side of said street.
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Twelfth meetin£ continued.
4th. New four foot cement sidewalk on the north side of Welling
ton street west of the stre= at Fleurys Works to 11. Forsyths House.
5th. Cemeht crossings and ··:walk on east side Machell Avenue
(Left to Committee)
6th. That traps be plaoed in stand pipes on Yonge Street opposite
~~~nd Yorks Drug store.
On motion Council wept into committee of the whole on the report
!Jr ~{nowles in the chair.
Committee rose and reoormnended the adoption of the report.
~eport adopted by the Council.
The committee appointed to interview the Pos.ttive Clutch and
PulleJ' Works Company and Mr Chishplm reported they had interviewed
those parties and it would be necessary to advance the Company the
sum of four thousand dollars to complete their buildings and move
them to Aurora. The Committee reco~nen£ed that a newA greement· ·
be prepared between the 'own and the :'ornpany by the Town solictor
covering such points as may be necessary to safeguard the towns
Report ado·pted by the Council.
Moved by Mr Manning seconded by Mr Mitchell that Jllessers Bassett
Knowles, Baldwin and Manning be a committee to confer with the
Positive Clutch and i'ull&y Works to draw up an agreement.
Moved by :.:r bassett seconded by Mr Mitchell that the application
o·f the Collis :Leather; Company Limd!ted for a Four inoh water main to
the side of their property be granted and that the water works
committee be instructed to put in the' same and we would recommend
a water metre to be put in on the same service.
::.oved b;t; :2r Jassett second.ed by cir Mitchell that the water works
committee be and they are hereby instructed to extend th» four
inch wavter main on Yonge street south to Joseph Sagles k»u.ex propej
and a hydrant at the end of the same and a two and onehalf inch pipe
to fred Joyntons property and the seal of the ~orporation be attached
. ' i
Twelfth r~eeting Continued
to this resolution
Moved by Mr Manning seconded by I:lr Knowles that the plan submitted
by Mr Proctor be accepted by this Council subject to such changes
as agreed upon by I.~r Proctor and the committee appointed by lhhis
Moved by Mr Knpwles seconded by Mr Conover that Mr M. Shulman
be allowed the use of the cement mixer for the Sum of five dollars
per day He to engage Mr William Dunham to run the same.
. £~~~~~
Moved by Mr ConoverAthat the Wo~s institute be allowed the use
of the Council room in which to hold their meeting of May 31st
free of charge.
Moved by Mr Mitchell seconded by Mr Davis that the resolution
passed by this ~li!XX at a meeting held on Monday evening January
22nd last re the report of the of the Committee on the Positive
Clutch and Pulley Works application to this Council for a loan and
an application to the Local Legislature for a special Act Confirming,
the same be and the same is hereby recinded and repealed and that
the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution
Carrhd unanimousley.
Leave was asked to introduce bylaws to appoint a Court of Revision
and a r,iedical Health Officer for the Town of .d.urora.
Leave granted and Bylaws read a First time
Moved by J\ir Bassett seconded by J::r Mitchell that the Bylaws now
before the Council be read a second and third time this day and thmt
rule 33 of bylaw Bo .10 be suspended for that purpose.
Bylawsread a second time and Council went into committee of the
whol.e on the same Mr ~ianning in the chair
Committee rose and reported bylaws with blanks filled
Bylaws read a third time and passed
Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor __,t,~
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