MINUTES - Council - 19120304$t , ea,. ~ ~ l! E E T I H G 0 F T HE T 0 W N c 0 U N CLI L F 0 R l 9 1 2. ~too 1;1t:•A4 The~. meeting of the Council was held in the Council Room on Mondayv-~hing March 4th, the following members being present;- Mayor Baldwin, Reeve Knowles. and Councillors Bassett, Browning Conover, Davis. Manning and l~itohell. On motion 11r Bruce of Lemonville was heard in regard to taking immediate action to prevent the Town of North Toronto obtaining Legislation to expropriate land and sink artesian wells within a r radiys of 30 miles of that Town pointi:g.ing out if thatbtovm obtained such legislation and commenced sinking artesian wells near the highla lands south of this town it might seriously effect the artesian wells cf of this town. A report was received from the fire company recomoending certain changes in the hook and ladder wagon. Bills were received from the following persons;- Bell Telephone Co conversations Twin City Oil Co oil pump G. A Lloyd, coal Canadian Express Co express Archie Mitchell stone A. Storey stone Gutta Percha Rubber Co, Valves $2.10 35.00 5.45 l.l65 12.00 12.00 1.60 Moved by r:r Ili tchell seconded by IJlr Davis that the following accounts be paid that the 11ayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corporation be attached to this resolution Be~l TelephonE Company Twinn City Oil Co G. A. Lloyd Canadian Express Co Archey Mitchell A. Storey Gutta percha ?cubber Co Carried $ 2.LO 35.00 5.45 1.15 12.00 12.00 1.60 -<£_, ' ;k- ~Meeting Continued Moved by hlr Mi.tchell seconded by £Lr Manning that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to write the Collumbia :Powder Company Limited regarding their agreement with this Corporation, notifying them that unless they proceed to carry out the conditions of the same, and pay up all arrears of. taxes and other charges if any before April lst, 1912 th~ir lease shall be then cancelled and the Corporation shall proceed. to take over the property and buildings according to the terms of said Agll!eement and the 11ayor1!ie hereby instructed to see such proceedings are taken if necessary. Carried. Moved by Mr Bassett seconded by r.Tr Kitchell that Whereas I.egislatin is being asked for by the Town of North Toronto from the Legislature of the Province of Ontario to premit of the expropriation of lands and sinking of artesian wells sith in a radius of 3o miles of the said Town of North Toronto, and laying pipes for the purpose of con veying water therefrom to the said town of North Toronto and Whereas the lakes and springs on the highlands of the Towbnships of King and Whitchurch are within the radius of 30 miles of the said Town of North Toronto, and Whereas the artesian wells of this Uunicipality derive their water from t~e lakes and springs in the above mentioned high lands and are within a radius of 30 miles of the said Town of litorth Toronto;- T li E R E F 0 R E this Council strongley protest against the said Town.Cf North Towonto or any other Hunicipality being allowed to expropriate lands and take water from the said range of hills in the said townships of King and Whitchurch and that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed tom forward a certified copy of this resolution to the chairmRn of the I'rivate Bills Committee of the Legislature and alsoto T. Herbert Lennox, M. L. A. for this Riding requesttng him to use his influence against the passing of such Legislation. Carried. ~- ~Meeting Continued Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by lir IJanning that this Council is d directly opposed to the application of the Town of North Toronto to the Legislature forlllegislation :prohibting the the Toronto and York Radial Railway running freight cars on Yonge Street from Toronto north believing such legislation would be injurious to the interests of the Towns' and Villages situated on the railway north of the said Town of North Toronto and the Clerk of this l':lunicipali ty be and is hereby instricted to transmit a certified copy of this resolution ~o the Chairman of the ?rivate Bills Corr~ittee and also to T. Herbert Lennox, JR •• L. Adl~ Riding his influence f~~he passing of with the request that he will such legislation. Carried. use Moved by Mr Knowles seconded by 1-lr Davis that the following be a cor:nni ttee to draft a mesolution opposing the application of Horth Toronto asking power fron' the Legislature to expropriate· land within a radius of 3o miles of the said Town of Horth Toronto, namely The I.layor and Councillors Hi tche1Jl and I!J.anning Carried Council adjourned to meet at the call of the I£:ayor. ·~~ /7-. ~-~o<:.-<.._____.,A_........__.....,,_.._ I' \